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2009 年 3 月 5, Ali found a high, made to look at debt settlement, clearing after a recovery of the original high IOUs, and the other to Ali laid the amount

case strange is that, after a lot of the police investigation confirmed that high of a husband Hemou, for his wife to defraud even knowing things, but do not know the whereabouts of stolen money. Therefore, the high of a motive, and the huge movement of illicit money is always a mystery.

a poor woman by his fraud, by friends and relatives under huge debt, unable to recover stolen money seeing deceived, self-inductance discredited in the face of friends and eventually commit suicide.

large fortune borrowing millions of dollars

2006 In May, the high of a home with a friend Mr. Hong liquidity needed to do the ground work to Ali borrow $ 30,000, and promised to pay the high monthly interest rate of 5% interest. After the high of a the same reason, many borrowers to Ali, to the end of 2006, total borrowing from Ali at $ 500,000. 2007 Spring Festival, Ali has found a high to a friends house to do engineering business processes need their turnover on the grounds, their loans, the same commitment to pay high interest rates. Ali now has no money to take that high of a proposal she will borrow money from relatives and friends. Encouraged by the high A, Ali interest to monthly interest rate of 1.5-2% loan to friends and relatives, and later lent to a certain high. After the high of a number of reasons for the same loan to Ali, to June 2008, total loans 2.31 million yuan has been Ali.

through investigation, the police gradually mastered the case of substantial evidence, and confirmed that high of a promissory note which were all presented their fake.

private lending, profits traps hidden

police through the investigation found that high of a family had to leave Hefei, Changshu, Jiangsu Province returned home, then rushed to the Changshu,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Outlet[/url], but not the high of a home and friends in their own homes. After police find their friends and relatives, through a lot of work and urge the high of a surrender. Friends and relatives received the news of a high, after the police made contact with the initiative and proposed to meet with the police in Changshu.

(Market Star)

came to Hefei, the Hemou go to work every day, then a high housework at home, kids. Around 2000, a company affiliated Hemou, elevator maintenance contract to start their own business, the annual income of about $ 50,000, although not many, but enough of the daily household expenses, a family enjoyable.

meeting, the high of a fraud to tell the police that he did not other people's money, borrowed money is lent to a friend indeed working capital as a project. In addition, also produced a high one,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Outlet[/url], who by the way open to her IOUs. Because of the high a certainty, and to produce evidence, the police can not be controlled immediately, only to return for further investigation in Hefei.

interview, police told reporters, private borrowing, we must be cautious, keeping in mind trap, leading to the drain.

hatred intern reporter Wang Tao Tao

特大诈骗案 pieces from this occurrence highlights the more prominent in recent years, private lending the problem. With the social and economic development, private capital more abundant, many people have the money left hand, then, there are criminals in high interest as bait for fraud. Since these loans are private, personal credit as loans based on lack of adequate legal and regulatory, in the event of fraud, it is difficult to recover losses.

period, Ali has repeatedly bombarded the high of a debt, but her husband are doing a high-lift business loans friends are doing the project, a large fortune and so excuses.

high of a 36-year-old, national origin, Changshu, Jiangsu Province, the mid-1990s, she accompanied her husband came to Hefei. High of a husband Hemou, a former elevator company in Jiangsu Province, due to the establishment of branch offices in Hefei, it came to Hefei work.

fact that high of a friend called Mr. Hong, the process of a loan, etc. is completely rumor, these borrowers are falling into her own hands. In addition, she is still around the Spring Festival in 2009 to buy a house, a husband to do business on the grounds, to other friends borrow, promised to pay high interest rates. Borrowing from the flood were somewhere $ 10,000 loan process somewhere in the $ 10,000 loan at 18,000 yuan Zhou, Wang loan at $ 50,000, borrowing money somewhere 14 million.

a homemaker, fabricate a variety of reasons, is committed to high interest rates, crazy neighbors, millions of dollars of fraud, and brought to justice after refusing to account for the whereabouts of stolen money, eventually,

were 3.5 million, 2.2 million of the two IOUs. The IOUs, including borrowing money all the costs incurred during the period.

6 end to please the police investigation of a case with the name of a high, so she returned to Hefei, immediately after its control, and launched a trial . After the trial, their high a recognition of forged IOU system, also admitted cheating the money, but the stolen money to pay high interest on the grounds, refused to explain the whereabouts of stolen money. Police on a high and her husband to investigate all accounts and assets, also found no trace of stolen money.

Although relations between the two is very good, but never told a high-Ali's own specific economic situation and the husband's specific occupation.

exchanges in the usual course, Ali spend more generous, and very good faith, so to get the trust of friends. The end of 2005, the high of a home in a hurry to the ground, has three loans from Ali at 5,000 yuan,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Outlet[/url], 10,000 yuan, 2,000 yuan,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Outlet[/url], and loans and interest scheduled to be returned to Ali. This is because of the high times of a borrower enjoys a good reputation, a high confidence in Ali and more.

disappeared huge debt difficult to discuss

housewife became familiar nominal kinship

As children grow, one can have a high task, that is to send children to school. Pick up the child in the process, she slowly understand a lot of middle-aged women living in the vicinity, are due to be live near neighbors, young and similar, and they gradually formed a high friends, occasionally playing mahjong together. Among the many friends, some with high-Ali (a pseudonym) the relationship between the best and her daughter Ali has confessed to do godmother. Ali runs a chess room, home originally located in the outskirts of Hefei in Hefei development and construction of the demolition, had received a lot of compensation, the family was well off.

got IOUs, Ali had a reassurance that, unexpectedly, on the IOUs played shortly after, along with her husband work, school daughter of a family of high Not only can not find a trace of the high, and even shut down their phones. At this time, Ali realized that he cheated, she hastened to the Public Security Bureau of Hefei Economic Investigation Detachment of the Second Battalion the police, the police investigate the case immediately.

Why Ali and other friends are willing to believe that high a it? In fact, by playing under the guise of a high, such as Mr. Hong, a certain way and others, and Ali, who are understanding each other, and they really do work at home, so we are convinced. However, between these friends are not willing to say it to borrow money because of the sensibilities of things, it makes the deal has been high in the middle of a room,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Outlet[/url], home owner deceive the West.

the end, the police reported the case to the prosecution to prosecute. Earlier this year, Hefei Intermediate People's Court to fraud and sentenced to the high end of a life imprisonment.

refuses to open illicit money motivation mystery

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Hefei is the first case of

Correspondents Notes:

is sad that, in the case of first instance in October 2009 on the eve of trial, the biggest victim in this case Ali committed suicide. Became public after a high, Ali Ali's family and friends that money has been lent to a high cheated, and can not recover, have to Ali recover arrears. As the one hand, unable to pay its huge debts, make it difficult to face friends and family, Ali chose to poison himself.

2008 July once again find a high-Ali, the husband to do the lift Hemou grounds loan business cash flow needed, Ali continued to borrow from relatives and friends, lent to a high, to the end of 2008, high A total of 2.51 million yuan loan from Ali at.

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