
Vibram Five Fingers ShoesThis is you

Girl6.jpgThis is you

After the series of murders by Jack the Ripper London seemed to go back to it's former peaceful state. But only for a very brief time.

People who just got back from India were being stripped of everything and hung upside down. Those victims all had the same paper stuck onto them.

You, Ciel, and Sebastian were walking toward head of Scotland yard, Lord Randall and officer Fred Aberline. “Damn it! This is the 20th in a row! You haven’t apprehended the culprit yet Aberline!?” Lord Randall yelled at Aberline while crumpling the piece of paper in his hands. “My apologizes!” Aberline said scared. “And the glory of catching Jack the Ripper was stolen from us by those little brats” Lord Randall said without knowing you and Ciel were behind him. “Sorry for being brats...” You said annoyed. “Earl Phantomhive!? How the hell did you get in here!?” Aberline yelled to be cut off by Lord Randall. “Lord Phantomhive why are you here?” Lord Randall asked. “Heh. Isn't it obvious? I'm here to clean up the mess made by an old pathetic hunting dog” Ciel said tauntingly.

“Hmm is that so?” Ciel said looking at the papers. “What the-!?” Aberline said finally noticing that you took the papers from him. “It seems that the victims aren't dead...” You said. “Don't just!-” Lord Randall tried to say when Ciel shoved a mail he got from the queen. “If it was just a highwayman I wouldn't get involved. However I won't sit by and watch the royal family get insulted” He said smugly.

“The criminals are described as 'chosen children of sloth and depravity' which is quite accurate” You said. “I can't say I don't agree. I would prefer it if England didn't have India's wealthy upstarts” Ciel said.

“The 3rd or 4th child in a family who couldn't afford the luxurious lives in England like they wanted could go to India and live like an aristocrat in India. Those who come back form India are called Anglo Indian. And those who can't live without the lazy lifestyle are called Indian upstarts.” Sebastian said.

“They are cowards who were to busy with extravagances and indulged in worthless pastimes. Most of them are upper class people in this so called 'great Britain'” Lord Randall said. “Upper class...how worthless” Ciel muttered to himself. “Anyway what is this mark?” He added.

“He's making a fool of British people like us and the Queen! What an idiot!” Lord Randall screamed surprising you causing you to jump. “Targeting people who just came back from India means that their just a vulgar Indian Barbarian!” He added. 'Calm down~' You thought.

“I can see that even city yards don't know what to do with the dark streets like east end. So it's hard to identify the route and exact number of smugglers right?” Ciel said calmly. Lord Randall and Aberline gave Ciel a look that said 'Damn...didn't think you would get that far...O__O;'

“I'll make a move on my own...I want to get back to the manor house quickly. Let's go Hikari, Sebastian” Ciel said walking in a direction. “Bye~” You said casually walking next to Ciel.

“Yes...my lord” Sebastian said.

“Commissioner Randall, who exactly were those kids?” Aberline asked.

“I guess it does not matter now, since you saw them. Aberline this country has a secret executive agency which is directly controlled by the Queen, it is strictly kept a secret. The Phantomhive family has served for generations. They are called 'The Queens watch dog' or the 'Awful Noblemen'” Lord Randall said not knowing you and Ciel could still hear them. Causing both of you to smirk.

“Why are they called 'awful noblemen'? Aren't they just serving the royal family like us? And who is that girl? Is she his sister?” Aberline asked. “I don't even look like you...T__T” You mumbled to yourself. “I look more like Sebastian then I look like Ciel...” You said. The look on Sebastian's face made it seem like he just realized it. Ciel and Sebastian looked at you. It was true, you had a small face, black hair,Cheap Sunglasses, and red eyes which was not common.

“No. Their task is not an easy one. Every country has a surface world and an underworld. This country is not an exception. The Phantomhive family is a dark agency that conceals all of the Royal family's evil doing and eliminates every thread linking the royal family's involvement. No matter how dirty the method. A 'Phantom' Is something a Royal family normally shouldn't have. The one who has the power to control and manage everything in the underworld of this country and prevent it from leaking out onto the surface, is the Phantomhive family.” Lord Randall said darkly. “What about the girl though?” Aberline asked. “She is the first girl to be invited into helping the Phantomhive family.” Lord Randall said. “But why?” Aberline asked again. “She isn't an ordinary girl. She has connections into the underworld. That even the Phantomhive family doesn’t have. She's extremely knowledgeable. But just knowing something can become a great burden to someone...” Lord Randall said trailing off.

“In other words it's the opposite of the police? They use evil powers to carry out the wishes of the Queen.” Aberline summarized. “Those kids...no...those aren't kids. Their demons..” Lord Randall concluded.

“Young master we've arrived.” Sebastian said. “This is the place?” You asked. “Yes, please watch your step.” Sebastian said opening the door for you and Ciel.

You stepped back when Sebastian opened the door. “What is that smell” You and Ciel said at the same time.

“So you've finally found this place. Though it seems kind of strange to see you on this kind of day.” Lau said seriously.

“And what kind of day is this!?” Ciel said annoyed as soon as he saw the group of girl's cuddling around Lau. 'Awkward...' You thought.

“Welcome Earl and Hikari~ Long time not see~ How you been? Ah! Wasn't it your birthday recently?” Lau asked suddenly happy. “I don't really care about such things...” Ciel said blushing.

“I have something to ask you” You said. “Ah! You came all the way to Anagura to ask me about 'that' incident? Am I right? ” Lau asked you. “You wanna smoke bro?” A women in a short Chinese dress asked Sebastian. “No thanks..” He said awkwardly.

“The news have spread to you already? You sure are fast. We have been investigating 'that' incident” You said. “Besides I've we want to find out about orientals, the fastest way is to come to you since you have a great influence there.” You added. “President of the British branch of the Chinese trading company, Kunlun-” Ciel said trying to gain back his pride but you cut him off. “No. Shanghai mafia, Qingbang executive, Lau” You said.

“We leave east end to you. Since you have control of the things that go on there” Ciel said. “Of coarse because of the bribe of being able to work with the underworld. Also...what is 'that' incident” Lau said. “You...=___=” You and Ciel said. “So now we have to explain from the beginning again...” You said.


“Oh~ So you want to get rid of that kid. Setting an example for the common people. It must be so tiring for you earl.” Lau said to Ciel. “Nonsense” Ciel said. “Anyway, we've been walking for quite a while now. Where is the stronghold for the Indian people?” Sebastian asked. “Oh...Well I was so focused on the conversation I guess we're lost now...” Lau said smiling. You, Sebastian, and Ciel looked at him like you all wanted to kill him. “I guess we'll have to return to-” You said but someone bumped into you causing you to fall down and scrap your hands against the rough ground. They started to bleed a bit as your eyes started to watered. You were never good with any kind of pain. “Are you okay Hika-” Ciel said but was cut off. “IT HURTS!! MY RIBS CRACKED!!” The man who bumped into you screamed surprising you. “Wow....T__T” Sebastian said. “Okay....” Lau said amused. “Someone come and help!” The man yelled. “Are you okay!?” Someone said. “What's wrong?” Another said. “She's so cruel!” The same voice said.

Ciel helped you up and you wiped our eyes with your hands still bloody. A lot of Indian people surrounded you. “Showing up in a place like this. Your asking for it! That's quite a nice dress you have there young man. A noble huh?” The man who bumped into you said while Sebastian helped clean your wounds and put bandages on your hands so they wouldn't get infected. “I feel like a little kids...” You mumbled. “You are one..” Sebastian said amused. “There they should be fine now” Sebastian said smiling a bit at how little you seemed at the moment.

“Pay me consolation,Vibram Five Fingers Shoes! Strip of everything you have and give it to me” The man said. “It seems that we are caught amongst some irritating punks yet again, young master” Sebastian said. “Shall I..” Sebastian asked. “Dispose of them right away” You said annoyed. “Yes mistress” Sebastian said not knowing what to say. “I hate noble people! They brought us all the way to England and dumped us like trash! All you British are selfish” The man said. “That's right!” Everyone said agreeing with him. They pulled out knifes. And started to say some useless things. “First of all I have something to ask you all.” A man said. “Yeah we have something to ask you!” They all said. “And I'll treat you to some Delicious food” The first voice said. “Yeah cause we're pretty hungry!” The man who pushed you down said. “Huh..” You said. “Wait...that's not how it goes..” The man said. “You planned the speech out...?” You and Lau asked.

All the Indian people parted ways and a figure held up an ugly picture. “We're searching for someone who looks like this. Have you seen any Indian people who look like this?” A man wearing silk said. “Your in the way bastard!” The man who pushed you down said. “How rude...calling me such things” The man with the picture said. “Hey are you guys fighting?...He has a butler! Are you British noble people?” The man with the picture asked you and Ciel. “So what if we are” Ciel asked bored. “Then I shall side with the people of my country. Agni..” He said trailing off. “Yes” Agni asked. “Defeat them” The man said. “Your wish is my command. I will swing this fist blessed by the gods for my master's sake.” Agni said. “Wh- AAHH~” Ciel screamed as Sebastian picked him up. You shrieked when Sebastian picked you up too to prevent you two from getting hit. “Don't forget that we're also here,Cheap Moncler Jackets!” The man who bumped into you say. Agni was about to punch Sebastian when he ducked and Agni accidentally punched the man who bumped into you. “Ahh! Sorry brother! I'll tend to it later!” Agni said while trying to block Sebastian's hits. You were on Sebastian's back so it seemed like he was giving you a piggy back ride while he was holding Ciel like a sack of potatoes in his right arm.

It looked like Agni was randomly poking Sebastian from where you were. “Hey,Coach Outlet! We barely stepped foot in this place when those guys pushed Hikari down and tried to pick a fight with us. Do all Indian's act like barbarians and randomly attack the British?” Ciel asked. “And put me down!” He added to Sebastian.

“You lot! Did you really attack this people for no reason?” The man asked. “Eh...a reason?” The man said. “That's not right! Picking a fight without a reason is childish. Agni! Our brothers are the wrong ones here. We shall help the children here.” The man said. “What...” Everyone said. “It is done Lord Soma!” Agni said. “So you guys. I hope your not hurt or anything” Soma asked. “Well yes” Sebastian said. You showed them your hands. “We apologize” Soma and Agni said kneeling down dramatically.

“Also this kind of area isn't the place for a kid to wander about” Soma said placing Ciel's hat on him.

“So any who. I'm in a middle of a search and need to split up. See ya” Soma said and left.

“.....” Ciel and Sebastian said. “It's time to get down now mistress” Sebastian said but you were now asleep and starting to slip off. Sebastian moved you so he was holding you bridal style. Ciel was blushing but looked a bit jealous or mad. “Yaa~ those two were amazing” Lau said on top of the roof. “And were exactly were you!?” Ciel asked. “Meh. Just waiting for the right time to jump in” Lau said. “Who exactly were those people?” Ciel asked. “They defiantly didn't live in the east end. And their dresses were pretty. Their English accent were pretty too~ Like Hikari's” Lau said. “I don't have an accent” You mumbled. You didn't have much of an accent but your voice was tinted with a Chinese accent which made you mess up with words sometimes. Like saying minimum, which annoyed you a lot so you avoided using that word.

“Oh well. It seems like our first job is to deliver these people to the city yard” Sebastian said still holding you.


“How tiresome” Ciel said. “The criminals may be among them. So let's just wait for commissioner Randall” you said as Sebastian placed you down. You had some snowflakes in your hair as you yawned. Causing Ciel to blush and Sebastian to imagine how cute you would be if you had cat ears and a tail.

“Young Master welcome back!” Meyrin, Finny, and Bard said. “I see you brought all of your servants along this time” Lau pointed out. “They would end up being more of a burden eventually if we left them home.” Sebastian said. “You must be tired due to the cold. I will serve you tea immediately” Sebastian said to you and Ciel. “Fair enough then” Ciel said sighing. “Instead of English tea Chai would be better” A voice said. “Fair enough then” Ciel said again not paying attention. “No, I'd prefer Milk Chai tea” You said not paying attention either.


“HUHH!?” Everyone turned around to see Soma and Agni.

“Why in the blazes are you here!?” Ciel yelled.

“Huh? But we met just earlier today. Besides I saved you.” Soma said winking at you. “Saved!?” Ciel mumbled to you.

“In India it's common to welcome and entertain benefactors. We even have a saying for that 'Entertain your guests even if you have to sell your treasures...oi...where's the bed?”Soma said suddenly looking around. “Why are you looking for a bed?” Lau asked. “In my country we sit on the beds with the guests . “PRIIIINCE~ PRIIINCE I FOUND IT~ <3” Agni yelled. “OI LISTEN TO ME!!!” Ciel yelled but Soma ignored him. “However narrow it may be, I've decided to stay here.” Soma said “Wait a minute, why do I have to look after you guys!?!?” Ciel yelled running after them.

“I didn't really consider staying at an inn. Is it common in England to throw out benefactors into the cold?” Soma asked. “Apart from that...just who are you,Bose Headphones!?” Ciel said annoyed. “Me?...I'm a Prince” Soma said. “A prince...?” Sebastian said unconvinced.

“This person is the 26th child to the king of the princely state of Bengal, Prince Soma Asman Gandal

“I'm going to stay here for a while okay...midget” Soma said to Ciel. You thought he called you a midget so you ending up leaning against a corner with this expression ';___;'. Ciel seemed to be frozen at the moment with shock.

“Then as a symbol of our new friendship I'll make and pour us some chai tea~ c:” Agni said. “Er...wait...pouring tea is kind of my thing...” Sebastian said chasing after Agni.

“Are you really a prince? >O< ” Finny asked. “I shall allow you to come closer” Soma said.

Meyrin, Finny, and Bard continued to ask him questions not knowing how much sadder/madder it made you and Ciel. “Yah~ It seems like there are going to be some lively times ahead of us don't you think Earl?” Lau asked.

“GET OUT!!! =___=” Ciel yelled.

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