
Goose CoatsKind of innocence - view of the Iranian film

Iranian film
film tells the story, the little boy to sister Ali accidentally knocked off just make good shoes, in order not to aggravate the burden of home, Ali and her sister both wear the same two-day exchange of old shoes. Shoes by the time the morning to wear girls sister Sarah, read the boys' school in exchange for the afternoon's brother Ali to wear. Finally,UGG Outlet, in order to win a pair of shoes to her sister, Ali would like to participate in long-distance race to take third place, did not think it accidentally got in the championship, was unable to get the shoes of a story. In the film, the story leads a very simple, always focus on advancing the plot to start a pair of small shoes,UGG Outlet, shoe repair form - lost shoes - brothers and sisters, his shoes to school - that her sister's small shoes can not go back - to participate in long-distance race - failed to win shoes of such a complete and orderly but clear story line.
In this film, Ali, two brothers and sisters, Sally and pure goodness most impressed the audience's heart. First, the deep bonds of friendship and innocent little brother and sister. Small shoes inadvertently lost, the desperation, fear of grievances with the sister and the two decided to exchange with Ali Ali, a pair of shoes to wear to school. Since then, the morning's sister school, ran home to quickly change the shoes to the subsequent school brother. In this process, although his sister to wear due to substandard shoes, worn, etc. uttered little contradictory, brother, sister, his shoes while awaiting late for many times and even been ordered to withdraw, but the small brother and sister to school every day but never stopped changing his shoes . Because they know the economic situation at home, know that my father had no money to buy new shoes, so they preferred to hard points, wronged point, do not want to burden the family. Mother's poor health, only my father working to maintain a household, their young hearts deeply appreciate the hardships of the parents, so they can ensure their silence in this way when there are shoes to wear to school on foot have been . Here, you can see, the material life of poverty to the poor, although two children to bring a strong pressure, but did not make their mind twist, but given the poor quality of their more valuable, such as tough, witty, thoughtful , mutual aid, kindness, and so on. Second, the small brother and sister kind and intelligent. Film, when Sally found themselves in the school lost another little girl in the feet to wear shoes when Sally did not publicly to tell her own shoes, but quietly behind the girl found with her residence, the details of the shows Sally smart, know how to protect the little girl's self-esteem. Later, when Sally and brother Ali came to the little girl's residence, they have given up the idea to return to the small shoes. Because they see the little girl's father is a blind, a life of their own home than even hard. At the moment, no one to remind educate them in the next, depending on the phase after they have invariably done so. The child's good here, reflected most vividly in the face of more needy than themselves, they hesitate to choose a good initiative to help and respect.
a simple story,Goose Coats, one almost no connection between the lens gap, making a compact and moving story. Pure innocence, pure desire, the film, touching not want to have pairs of shoes this desire to fruition, but in the process of trying to achieve it, that venerable brother and sister out of the good performance of innocence This had to give the impression that the soul chant.

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