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Mensao English The young are becoming popular vocabulary. Mensao generally refers to the appearance of calm, silent and full of ideas and content of the actual person. Such people do not easily express emotions and feelings and changes in exposed individuals, but in certain situations or environments, tend to show the unexpected. Show that the performance of certain ingredients, but also to some extent reflect the true inner life of individuals.


Interpretation case study to explain typical character dictionary to explain Mr. Jin Qian Zhang Zhen Da Vinci Kangde Yun Niang Angelina Jolie, Jay Louis XIV Yapeng stuffy oil bottles (from Zhang Ling) in Animation Mensao object Mensao test interpretation to explain Mensao generally refers to something more cold treatment (particularly of interest in fact, also hot topic), feel everything does not care, stay silent and a little natural (especially ), but actually very thoughtful and inherent potential, or surface, modesty was not, but what is crazy hot, inner subtext more than a huge group of people. Mensao circuitous nature of the subconscious is a psychological, due to subtle (ambiguous) and up to a state level, is a low-key presumptuous and false prudish intrinsic quality. It is dormant in the human body, hidden, savings, including but not exposed, Unspoken, the time when mature, immediately revived, and then shock the world, and so on. All in all the shenanigans of a group of people full of the inherent performance. So is there such a sentence: for deep, do not want to reveal their feelings easily tangled phenomenon. The hidden meaning is also understood to be - forbear sexy yet elegant. In fact, Compared to Mensao surface behaved people, treat people fair and reasonable, but in casual place to expose the inner wild and sensual. Mensao people with high IQs, because the possession of one point nine points dew dew harder than all the more. Mensao are more self, because they understand the so-called save for their first character, not performing in front of others or take rivalry. Mensao aesthetic manifestation of the spirit of the East, looming, Unspoken, the pursuit of an elephant as the outside, King outside the King. A bit like a skirt Mensao not short, tight collar lines, but a kind of golden eyes rubbed a blood-red eye shadow, as people cover all of these women live in the beauty and soul are endless reverie; flair is like the only shelter of the upper body warm girl bra,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Sale[/url], people thought only the sizes and III half a catty of meat or meat issue. Happy Together is the type of people Mensao glimpse an unforgettable experience; trend is sweeping style Jiaoren burp. So, enjoy the flair of the people tend to live is not high level, is just to the pursuit of food and clothing for little people, even if the material full, and can not change the end house of the poor upstart. Whether acknowledged or not, Mensao is a state, represents the common spiritual and material civilization and progress. Impression in people's traditional, men Mensao mainly those looks quite satisfactory, serious introvert craving heart full of hope, but a group of passionate family man. Of course, we can also think this is a human sexual instinct and the social ethics led to conflicting results. As the man by traditional culture, ethics and social roles of the many restrictions and requirements, many men can only be maintained when the glossy surface, the inner world of desire, impulse, struggle, struggle, but almost impossible to stop, always tormented man's spirit and body, so this choice is very image of Popular, Man is indeed a helpless Mensao is a good disguise, though they wear one mask can be once they line of sight supervision and ethical standards constraints, since they believe that exposure to a safe and reliable private space, they will doing my part to put aside a free hand, self-indulgence, debauchery itself. As for why a woman fond of Mensao men? How can a man woman Mensao capture the hearts and minds? This may be related to a woman like a man of mystery has a significant relationship. In general, how many men Mensao will show a woman in front of his meaning, self-cultivation, tolerance, elegant, calm, mature, self-confidence, they will not rhetoric, not glib, not reckless act, will not seek a hurry fast, but the woman is more considerate, concerned about the care, gestures, and charm from now, but their soulful eyes wrapped in a strong lethal, they are decent words can not explain in words hidden in the ambiguous, indicating that they contain a subtle temptation of motivation they reflect the close concern and warm desire. Dictionary to explain the speech source 'show', and then closer to Cantonese), but the fact that Taiwan's Therefore, we can speculate that So, to say the word simple is the trend can be explained in general do use a neutral word or a joke. Case Study This is the instinct of human nature and social ethics led to conflicting results.


Because human beings are herd animals, in human social life, you must comply with the rules of human society, even if a rule is contrary to human instinct, you can only abide by it. The rules of human society is caused by human development, which is bound to be constantly changing. Examples to prove what, what you will the cover. Do not want to hit this year, but leads to the not small A defender of this old rule, lifestyle, and so on. Also unusual in that year which led to great discussion. Why return to Some people no choice but to choose For example: teachers, white-collar workers, management personnel, and so must look serious, solemn dress, stern. In fact, in China, is not limited to a certain social status of workers, even an ordinary people, in a strong traditional and cultural background of the But we know that the sex instinct that In this instinct and social A When the line of sight from the community, Moreover, The reason is simple, a Western philosopher said long ago: the more instinctive things, the greater its pressure, the greater the intensity of its rebound. Between the students say that a good Typical figure no doubt that Leonardo da Vinci, Leonardo da Vinci was a genius. He not only represents the highest artistic level of the Renaissance, and was a great scientist. He already had helicopters, submarines, like the idea, but unfortunately suffered trauma at a young age that he most of their lives are hidden with their variety of whimsy not open, and even written down understanding of man-made obstacles. The criticism of Kant wrote three great philosopher almost too far out of the door I never, go for a walk every day on time, every minute is not bad, the town's people are walking with his time proofreading their own watches. He was a lifelong bachelor, never heard what the affair, but his biographer increase still left from some ancient letterhead read the clues, he repeatedly mentioned in the letter coincides with the novel's description of betrayal, so presumably this is old he left Canada tryst with the lady of the signal. Yunniang this woman is the Jiangnan literati Shen Fu's wife, Although not a big star, but it is the best choice Mensao typical woman. She not only encouraged her husband concubinage, with concubines like brothers. A friend once said to see her husband on board with two prostitutes in the field swim, asked her know, she was smiling, replied: often hand-rolled silk-stocking blonde babes, Lingbi when China was very poor students envious. But his study of logic, and his emotions are rational control, never tell the truth to her lover, and a lifelong bachelor. Years after the death of her lover the day he invited friends for dinner, the crowd of curiosity, he tactfully tells: Today is the emblem for the birthday. Everyone to marvel at. Qian He said: Do you like the egg, why do you want to see the chickens lay eggs? One step back, even if you met the next layer, it may not see something for the money type is not so easy to appreciate the wisdom. Azeri circle all know, Qian Peng Guo good people who do not, he wrote the poem, how to flatter you clever, and you did not know half the story implied that the poem, and finally he fooled my heart still happily. Novel Olivia 14-year-old Yang phase is Taiwan's big lead star in four hours long film Some time ago, Wong Kar-wai Chang Chen Mensao fully exploit the potential, so that his Louis XIV, known as the His short stature, always wear a special 15 cm high heels, the results attracted the whole country imitated, but also for his wife was Pompadour Ms. create open atmosphere of the first high-heeled shoes. The most terrible is that when the Queen give birth, his audacity to claim that as long as the pay, any people can watch this spectacular scene. Angelina Jolie To achieve the The bad girl will be filled when her husband (now ex-husband into) a small bottle of blood hanging in the neck on the streets, before the array is abruptly break the Hollywood pair of golden couple, captured the world's most handsome man's heart, and now is Life comes full of motherly love waits small. Jay King music wit, and Asia known as Jay, in this day and age is a well-known Chinese characters, is a very personal singer, is also the founder of Chinese style pop music, but it always gives a very feeling shy in the business for Shihai always wore a cap, but in fact familiar with his friends to know that in fact Jay is a typical Mensao type of person. The first generation of mainland Yapeng idol niche, businessman and philanthropist, is a typical Mensao type figure in the drama school during the In the circle of his usual low profile, not keen on publicity, even early on not signing brokerage firm, to explore their own career planning their own; the face of strangers sometimes will show few words, stern, but of you worked with the director , actors and other fields who have praised his sense of justice is a warm, quick-witted. First to give him In recent years, Wang Hao in the charity, business, arts, culture and other fields are involved, which shows the ambitions and aspirations, but he still never too much of external rendering, only actions tell all. Nausea lecythus (Zhang Qi Ling) from the This can be seen from the name on their Silent, missing, trance, amnesia, heaven, sleep, bring up the rear rescue, ice gathered in him the face! ! ! No wonder people call him evil Wu People not only Mensao, but also a typical facial paralysis. Flag animation in the object timber Mensao Kakashi But through ups and downs, has experienced mothers, fathers, friends, teachers sacrifice. When the upper and lower tolerance instructors, students Sasuke defected. But he has a smile for others, even the inner turmoil of not shown. The face of powerful enemies, always cool-headed analysis operational plan. Wise, most students Mensao he always strong backing. Kill pill is obviously concerned about his brother's name Inuyasha, but his mouth was cool is the In fact, implied Mensao brother a good potential. Also unknown for Ling has feelings, but between the face rather than to say it, only to actions to express their concern Mensao men. Byakuya Kuchiki nominally extraordinary strength, appearance handsome, elegant and your son a cold, in fact, already do not know the inner world into East and West Mensao where the body of a tangle; the proud, reserved, Lengjun the face behind the control has a sister's heart. Lucia was almost double the death penalty bearing in mind the fact to explain the inner hidden guilt, distressed monologue. This is the perfect symbol of the gap itself is one. Tezuka Kunimitsu study appears to be perfect blue emperor, no dead ends of MR.PERFECT, in fact, more like a nanny than stone as concerned about the operation of the Ministry of activity, the appearance of the highest status wore green school leadership style, was a serious, handsome, responsible ministers, but the heart's passion for tennis is like the hot summer like a burning fever, Mensao not got a little bit! Junichiro Sanada mysterious man of few words existence, always wore a cap, is likely to want to hide your true self, rigid and not flexible, blind ascetic, gives a feeling of experienced and prudent, in fact, love does not belong to the tennis Any person, irritable heart, Jie brutal and fanatical, Mensao index up to four stars. But hidden within the deposit maturity. William T · Shipiersi uniform stress, the wording in place, no matter what point they all look perfect, gives a calm indifference exists. Repair frame glasses, crazy and brutal air of elegance but without losing the text, but when confronted with the devil, will be completely violent impermanence, joy, anger, love of evil like the line in color, showing a serious contempt of psychological, so perfect all the devil formulated the concept of collapse; its prototype took off his glasses and the state is also the opposite can be met with the person's heart more Mensao. In fact, many people Mensao test with the internal image of the external image of the worse, following from this test is to see how your subconscious Mensao how high the index in the end: If you want people to participate in the whole party, if you want you to take the whole good friend, you will choose which of the following ways? 1 to find friends with the boss too. (2) the person to declare love with each other. 3 Simon enjoyed the burlesque look. 4 posing as police rummage trouble. 5 wine plus a variety of seasonings. Answer 1. You Mensao index of 40%: Such people usually serious if the performance is very restrained, but once drunk, will show the long-buried fresh fully exposed, so that people around surprised. 2. You Mensao index of 80%: these were usually very shy afraid of life, courteous in front of strangers, will only show the true face of an acquaintance of my side, and even funny Fasao does not matter. 3. You Mensao index of 55%: This type of person normally upright honest, only in front of the other half will show the dark side of the heart the most, such as spoiled, innocent girl and so on. 4. You Mensao index of 20%: these were no different in private and on weekdays, even Fasao not to hide, the natural and generous personality. 5. You Mensao index was 99%: these people seem very stiff and polite on the surface, in fact, to not show bones, just wanted to find a way to Fasao opportunity. Open Classification: saying, dialect, language, idioms, group 2 people published books Mensao


Book Information Author Introduction Book Contents Book Information

Title: nausea show Author: Fragrance Publisher: mass Publishing Date: January 1, 2011 ISBN: 9787501448036 format: 16K Price: 30.00 yuan Introduction the woman. Flow usually demure, but once moving the truth, what are doing it. Merry Mayor QIN Yu called Mensao type politician, he surface of the deep look cool, but when the means of political opponents shot lore is unusually Henla. The two men met, simply clashes between, must be: Dry Wood Fierce Fire, a very tough battle. However, the rights and interests take the lead where, what sweetly: the contest among non-legal, and which have you in my Lennon, only collusion, smokeless power and money and sex trade fight. Ugly truth behind her awakening, all but the original urinal in the moon, bright, charming, but exudes the smell of urine is their noses and gas. The authors used the philosophy of the rich black humor, excavated from various angles the human good and evil, beauty and ugliness. Author Fragrance, female, Henan Province Writers Association, the reporter, columnist, patients suffering from intermittent wandering freelance writer. Web site has been re-elected a literary Works are scattered, Library catalog wedge / 1 Milan Kundera said: His thousands of Baidu / 3 A White City Evening News chief correspondent for the girlfriends strongly Ling Hu of the search for elite men, but to prevent Morning correspondent A city director of Kuangzhui Shangyi Fei Hu Hu man had a favorite QIN Yu dramatic appearance of the second chapter is why loading sheep wolf / 23 found QIN Yu Hu has a true identity. QIN Yu won her heart to, the use of non-profits with promise. Shangyi Fei-ling dialogue to prevent him from Hu had a grudge seeking revenge, Qi Bai Ling does not fight back is to fight the holy church? Chapter atmosphere of Wind / 39 A change of the city soon, QIN Yu secretly formations, his wife, Molly China also been very active women who have capacity for Yue, Hu went into a beauty salon for love. Blinded by greed, white smoke Ling and Shang Yifei renewed. Chapter Who Moved My Cheese / 55 white front foot travel-ling, editor rear Hu has had to move the part, my colleagues took the opportunity to Hu insult to injury. QIN Yu with this tree, Hu had a will without a fight it? for the future, QIN Yu turn how strategizing? Chapter holds possession of the body from the beginning a woman / 69 What is love sake of a woman or a woman love success? ten thousand women, there will be ten thousand kinds of love. Ms. Qin Yuyu Molly China show affection in public, so that Hu had a distraught Hu of the and Bai Ling This girlfriends, have their own form of love. Chapter grass is always greener is an ancient word / 83 engaged in political struggle QIN Yu, Hu has a new love's like the old love of burnout into a situation in her sad when another man called Yang River appeared Chapter VII is the twin brother of love and hate / 99 white Ouyang Ling's old wounds suddenly ripped Hillsborough again, to forget him, she agreed, and Wu Bo Han engagement. lovesick Hu had, and once again plunged into crisis ceded layout. Chapter VIII of love is well-written script / 113 for career, QIN Yu and Hu decided that the love of a fend for themselves. unlucky in love with workplace crisis, into a Hu of the embattled situation was found to be pregnant, her emotions play so it is rewritten. Chapter vista / 129 for QIN Yu's career, with Hu had introduced his understanding of the real estate business Wu Han Park, and destroyed the child. QIN Yu Wu Bai draws your attention to the cold as a senior, well get rid of QIN Yu was elected mayor,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk/]Moncler UK[/url], Hu has pledged to start by birthright to ask him, he is not only an affair of divorce, began to alienate her again two months later, but in the Discipline Inspection secretary QIN Yu Yang Jie Feng River and on the feast Hu had a reunion again. Chapter XI in love is not the auction house / 157 the value of even a small thing, once in the outcry auction into two scenes of strong competition, will soon produce bubble effect. that Hu had close to the river with the Yang, the QIN Yu decided to come back on winning the lost city. XII official, in love all battlefield / Hu 171 easy to return to their embrace of the post, QIN Yu began wavering, the energy into a bureaucratic struggle in. Molly China for his extramarital affairs seems to be aware of, secretly looking detective. XIII every woman loved a jerk / 183 there have been significant new stadium construction site accidents, kept saying that to maintain a Pa thought that Hu had to pick her up in this prison is QIN Yu, standing in front of it is this music is not immune to save her white Ling. they took Molly Chinese Valentine love poem written to her, forced her withdrawal 16 The first chapter is a trap after the Jedi / 225 after his release, Hu had had found himself once again pregnant, QIN Yu refused to acknowledge his child and she opened the gas on suicide in despair, but was rescued by Zhou Taixing like her. For children, she married him to conceal the truth. Shangyi Fei jealous, her privacy to the public. urinal in the seventeenth chapter of the moon / Hu 241 forced into a desperate purchase the perfect Related articles:

