
Moncler SalePeasant woman jailed cure stomach ailments opium poppy species 1400

Recently, the case by the Jiangxi Provincial People's Court concluded Guangfeng Shangrao City , Zhou committed the crime of illicit cultivation of narcotic plants , was sentenced to eight months and fined 5,000 yuan.

after the incident , Zhou actively cooperate with the investigation ,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Sale[/url], confess crimes. Case by the court that the violation of drug plants grown Zhou control laws and regulations , unauthorized cultivation of opium poppy plants of narcotic drugs 1409 ,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Sale[/url], constitute the crime of illicit cultivation of narcotic plants , pleaded guilty in view of Zhou and good attitude, and take the initiative to pay a fine , then be given a lighter punishment.

BEIJING, December 19, Shangrao (by Wang Haoyang high- Lin Fang Liu Xiao-cui ) Jiangxi,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Sale[/url], a peasant woman Zhou heard poppy fruit to cure stomach ailments, will move from the idea of ​​poppy cultivation , and quickly put into action , in a remote neighbors backyard poppy planted 1409 . Seeing the results of poppy will ,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Sale[/url], Zhou is ready to enjoy the joy of harvest ,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Sale[/url], Interpol is not expected to fall from the sky , the Zhou captured .

by the court verdict , Zhou jailed for eight months and fined 5,000 yuan.

According to investigators , in 2009 winter , Zhou Yang and chat with friends , talking about his upset stomach , vomiting often made ​​. Yang then its pointing a square , that poppy fruit can cure stomach ailments, and said that poppy fruit provided for Zhou , Zhou to remote areas to grow .

Zhou soon get two poppy fruit, Zhou remove the seeds inside the fruit , sprinkle in a neighbor 's backyard vegetable Xiong . Xiong backyard because of remoteness , and surrounded by a wall , Xiong family go out to work, housing entrusted to the care of Zhou , Zhou will be poppy species here , and meticulous care .

May this year , poppy seedlings finally bore fruit , Zhou filled with joy ready for harvest . May 21 , reported by local villagers , Guangfeng Public Security Bureau of Interpol to investigate , found that illegal cultivation of opium poppy Zhou 's crime . The inventory of the park a total of poppy seedlings 1409 .

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