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About the mysterious ball lightning introduce destructive use of ball lightning with lightning lightning characteristics recorded sightings of strange hybrid character of my country, witnesses described ball lightning ball lightning to explore a new theory of the nature of the new Brazilian scientists in the laboratory study of the progress made with the magic ball lightning ball lightning and ball lightning UFO self-immolation of human hazards and prevention of harm prevention science fiction debris containers (including flammable lacquer) are not electrical fire burning, on the contrary, embedded in the lacquer on the occurrence of ball lightning ball lightning

Tesla holding two lightning fireball playing acrobatics

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roll mine called ball lightning, ball lightning is a cylindrical ball. This is a real physical phenomenon, not science fiction or cartoons set the energy gun. Song-known scientist Shen Kuo (1031-1095 years) in the Ball lightning from the sky into the

meteorological experts, the sudden lightning storm, charged clouds from the ground close to the ground there are a number of prominent objects charge is induced, both formed between the discharge, thus creating a rolling mine. Easy to roll mine personnel and goods on the ground causing electric shock. Ball lightning is still strange that people can not explain natural phenomena. Many witnesses believe that ball lightning is like a wise movement, as if it knows where to go, if it is into a room, it is usually through the door or windows to the corridor. Of course, this is just people's imagination. According to numerous eyewitness material, we can probably outline the basic outline of ball lightning. The size of this glowing sphere in between golf and football, the color white, green, yellow, orange, red, purple points, its brightness and 100-watt light bulb quite. The duration of ball lightning is generally 5 to 10 seconds, it will rise and fall with the flow of air in the near-Earth itself every now and then, sometimes against the wind, to wear doors and windows, into the room, even through the furnace chimney. Sometimes hover, disappear sometimes silent, sometimes the explosion will encounter obstacles disappear tremendous noise. Ball lightning is slow, sometimes with the people running the same speed, and very few cases, it will issue a slight whistle Hu, Qi Qi, or hissing sound. A common feature is that ball lightning is basically in place in thunderstorms. Ball lightning and the lightning ball lightning, also known as electro-optic fireball. Ball lightning is not lightning, it is common with almost no lightning, so the phenomenon called the ball. Also known as natural lightning lightning. The most common form of linear lightning lightning, as if hung upside down in the air the shape of vertical and horizontal branches fork, and a tributary on the map as a large number of rivers. In addition, there are less likely to see the lightning beaded lightning. Electro-optic fireball lifetime is generally a few seconds, the individual can be up to several minutes. The life of ordinary branched lightning less than 1 second. Electro-optic fireball is localized in a suitable magnetic field configuration space and velocity space of the plasma, which get their energy from the surroundings, the diameter of the plasma frequency depends on the child external field, resulting in resonance. Had the knowledge about lightning fireball in the first years of the 20th century, Nikola Tesla has been studied out, but later with the death of the great talent lost. Tesla believes that energy is not sufficient to maintain the original fireball, there must be another source of energy. Tesla's research shows that the use of lightning, lightning fireball is formed in artificial conditions, but it seems the movement is controlled by a person's mind (Tesla can do). I hope that the human being again a great inventive genius, the death of the Tesla go to another world, the knowledge about lightning fireball look back, to create a stable fireball of lightning, the controlled heat fusion reactions can be achieved, so that the energy crisis facing humanity can finally be resolved. I believe that, then all humanity will be grateful to him. For controlled thermonuclear fusion reactions most critical issue is to maintain the coherence of high-temperature plasma, will be bound in a certain magnetic field configuration space and velocity space, giving it a certain stability. As the lightning fireball that can be effectively bound to be unstable plasmid, resulting in the realization of controlled nuclear fusion in the international competition plays a decisive role, to help uncover the mystery of lightning fireball to find the body of phenomena such as the real cause of spontaneous combustion . The more scientists that study the role of ball lightning is the most direct help to find efficient, clean new energy. There are many modern physicists so engrossed in the plasma fireball of lightning.

Ball lightning scientists remain in the dark


color of the two most common colors are white and orange, the other more common is the red, blue, yellow, green and purple, silver and black are very rare. Some ball lightning will change. Speed ​​can be difficult to imagine from rest to high-speed (more than 20,000 kilometers per hour, but this is not in the thunderstorm), the general rate of about 5 meters per second, per hour 18 km. Structure seems to be some kind of plasma, or nebulosity, and some ball lightning center is transparent, some hollow, or no obvious fixed structure, and some ball lightning appears in the dynamic changes. Exercise is sometimes static. Most of the straight line, some are rotated in a stationary position, some are kept turning, and some is based on a clear path to run the complex. Life of ball lightning, lasting a few seconds, such as 7 to 8 seconds, some for up to 1 minute. Some will imitate the behavior of the movement of objects around, and some straight into the earth. Some ball lightning appears in the Lead most of the metal or magnetic objects, strong collision will occur, sometimes causing great damage. Lightning ball will bounce, break, restructuring, attenuation, explosion or both these changes. Rarely will form Pilipala sound or hissing sound. Disappear when the explosion. Witnesses said a burnt taste or smell of sulfur. Also said that sometimes there is a burning oil or the smell of ammonia or ozone. Hybrid traits Temperature: touch ball lightning very cool people say it - that is not the feeling of heat. But it can cook boil, melting and heating the metal wire. Brightness: ball lightning are the same as the street light. They sometimes can be seen during the day, but it is usually lit up at night to see them land. Place: they usually occur when a thunderstorm, but few also occur before or after. Most are accompanied by ordinary ball lightning Lightning - circling stand and hair, but sometimes they are like ordinary lightning from the clouds Watch the earth. Strange sightings recorded in 1773, two priests in the heard a loud thunder, and saw the fireplace shines a light the size of football ball, the ball immediately Fengyun explosion and issued a loud noise. In the 1940s, a small town in France, there are three soldiers in a mine under the Bodhi tree was killed when the shelter, but they are still standing, the same as nothing. Thunderstorms, the pedestrian to talk with them, but there is no response, when the pedestrian to reach them, the three bodies lying on the ground suddenly, and turned it into a pile of ashes. The summer of 1956, a noon, a collective farm in the Soviet Union, two children in the bullpen in the shelter. Suddenly, the front of the house under the poplars orange fireball rolled down a vertical force them to, a child kick it kick, a roar, a fireball explosion, the cow in the 12 cattle killed 11 first, the children were toppled to the ground, but was not injured. Later, people know that the fireball is rare ball lightning. A small town in the United States has undergone a strange thing: a housewife from the market back home, open the refrigerator and saw her go into raw ducks, raw meat into cooked all the food. Only after research by scientists to understand, is ball lightning into a stove to the refrigerator, the refrigerator is strange that no damage! One day in January 1981, the Soviet passenger plane hit ball lightning in the vicinity of the Black Sea. A large fireball into the cockpit, sound of an explosion. After a few seconds through the sealed metal bulkhead in the passenger cabin where, after some dramatic performances, the sound issue is not to leave the plane. After the inspection, the nose of the metal wall of the tail there a hole in wall is intact. In the United States, Oregon, a ball lightning to come and go like the wind, first in the screen door on the left a large hole in basketball, then went straight to the basement, mercilessly destroyed an old dry-rolling machine; Russia, a teacher's experience Even more frightening, a 80 cm diameter ball lightning jumping back and forth in his head no less than 20 times, and then quietly disappeared; In addition,[url=http://www.monclre-online.de/]Moncler Store[/url], the former Soviet Union have reported that a ball lightning flew into a large pot filled with water, the water immediately boiling up, ball lightning in the pan for 10 minutes before rolling off; another occasion, a football-sized ball lightning rolling down the street, jumping, come into contact with the ground, actually blow some half a meter deep, pit 1 meter in diameter, Finally, with a loud roaring, fireball drilling underground. China in 1962 occurred in the summer of ball lightning, China's Shandong Province, Jinan City, People's Liberation Army 106 Hospital. Just been to heavy rain, open the windows operating room nurses Chaishu Di prepare fresh air, a ball of fire suddenly appeared out of the window, flying into the house, playing off the roof of the chandelier, and fly into the corridor, in the gates before the explosion, causing power outages, no casualties. July 14, 1997 afternoon, the northern part of Jiangsu Province, China Pei, a child walking on the road, the sky suddenly a ball lightning from heaven, the vertical fall to the children, next to the neighbors let their kids run away. Ran a few steps later, a fireball explosion floor, but fortunately no casualties. March 16,[url=http://www.monclre-online.de/]Moncler Store[/url], 1999 afternoon, China's Hubei Province, north of the city suddenly Zaoyang frequent lightning, thunder shaking the spot, killing nine people were killed and 20 injured rare disasters. According to witnesses, lightning has a red spot, which is the characteristics of ball lightning. August 21, 2007 evening, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China Chigang Road area of ​​thunder and lightning, According to witnesses recalled that lightning like a big fireball, issued a strong blue-green light, but also a lot of bad shock residents of the home appliances. June 2009, one afternoon, in central China's Shandong Province under the thunderstorm Zoucheng, Qi said following the EU, according to witnesses, a high school ball in the fourth with a bang and a red lightning exploded. August 4, 2009 morning, located in Shijiazhuang, Shijiazhuang City, Town, Village, West trillion through the village self-built a house struck by lightning the street collapsed. According to the site three eyewitnesses, 9:15 or so, suddenly heard thunder and saw a diameter of about one meter of bright fireball hit the northwest corner of the house, instantly followed by the collapse of house from north to south, the rain person buried in the rubble. The fireball is that the characteristics of ball lightning. Witnesses describe the August 21, 2007 evening, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China Road Chigang ball lightning occurred at the time the description of witnesses blue-green light, on the opposite roof. According to her memories, 6 live in households was in the house within the house, only to hear a loud noise, and lightning did not see the situation. Upon inquiry, but is living in the neighboring residents of the three groups just to see this flash, and has a lingering fear. Miss Lee is one of the witnesses, she lived in the house No. 6 in lightning came next door. Miss Lee is on the first floor was the kitchen vegetables, with a loud thunder noise, she looked up the one, just can see, I am scared to stop the hands of the living. , then of course, a house quickly Duohui Hu said his mother lived here for 40 years, first time I see this kind of thing. alley households this an unprecedented lightning have different views, Several witnesses, including many residents feel it is a heaven of the scientific community believe that the phenomenon of ball lightning is a non-existent until the last few decades to acknowledge its authenticity. As early as 1955, Soviet physicists have proposed that ball lightning is produced by thunderstorms in the effects caused by electromagnetic interference. In 1991, Japanese scientists reported that they observed in the experiment produced a series of microwave interference phenomena like ball lightning, and their artificial plasma ball also shows some characteristics of ball lightning, as it can along with the main flow in the opposite direction movement, and through the solid material in 1998, a Spanish physicist believes that the so-called mysterious ball lightning is not a mystery of its origin, this phenomenon is likely to produce lightning process, the magnetic field formed by the plasma light constraints, he established a lightning field model, the key is that the process of lightning formation of horizontal magnetic field and magnetic field perpendicular to the magnetic coil is made of interwoven nets in some special circumstances, the net magnetic field lines may be showing a spherical, while the light-emitting plasma realized by this subnet by the After cooling the plasma, electron atoms began to be bound by, the internal resistance of larger plasma current weaker, the magnetic field around the collapse will follow the final ball of fire no longer exist. According to this theory, ball lightning than most cold, but in the direction of the local temperature along the magnetic field lines is high, researchers said, a good basis can not explain why the fireball heat and touched objects is often easy to catch fire after the new theory in 2000, two New Zealand scientists their new theory, when lightning hit the general branched into the soil, soil minerals are converted into nano-particles of pure silicon and silicon compounds, and these dimensions less than one micron micro-particles, the role of energy in the lightning evaporation from the soil into the atmosphere under. This process, like the spit from the mouth of smokers smoke ring. silicon particles into the atmosphere will first connect into a chain, then the composition can be spherical with fine mesh air movement which spherical fine mesh in the particles with high activity,[url=http://www.monclre-online.de/]Moncler Store[/url], under certain conditions will be slow-burning, releasing light and heat to form the so-called ball lightning. Some witnesses had reported that they saw the ball lightning can pass through the wall the more windows, even through the aircraft fuselage, this theory can explain this. most of the houses have cracks around doors and windows, and spherical silica particles of extremely flexible thin wire, as long as the places where the air can also be fine-mesh can access other words, if the air can pass through doors and windows, then the fine mesh can nanoparticles, the oxidation rate of these ions with the ball lightning consistent string theory to explain ball lightning based on string theory, ball lightning is a string gap microseismic stage, when the energy is concentrated at a point product. on this theory, ball lightning generation, the current geological environment and the Earth has nothing to do. There are reports that the United States, a small town has a strange place: a housewife from the market back home, open the refrigerator and saw her go into raw ducks, raw meat all changed into cooked food. after research by the scientists came to understand, is ball lightning into the stove to the refrigerator, the refrigerator is strange that no damage! According to string theory, because no rules for ball lightning in the movement, the energy of the string ( not ball lightning energy) due to pressure in a object (the object can also be a raw duck refrigerator, raw meat) on the distribution of the results, provided that the objects in the pressure zone just because of the continuous contact of the object structure rather makes the whole energy distribution of the object as a focal point strings. Progress in the study 15 January 2002 the Royal Society in its academic journal theory by physical chemists, physicists and chemical engineers make their proposed three new reason to explain ball lightning theory and its main contents are: 1 ball lightning is a small drop of water containing hydrated ions formed, it by ion reactions to the release of energy in this theory, ball lightning is a plasma containing electrochemical structure, which is the temperature, pressure, electromagnetic and gravitational field to maintain the delicate balance of 2. ball lightning is polymer filament winding is made to release the energy through the surface discharge in the theory, the natural dust particles, as derived from cellulose, or silica soot particles can be formed in the thin filaments,[url=http://www.monclre-online.de/]Moncler Store[/url], these small filament polymerization up to become a highly charged sphere, when its surface discharge, on the issue of light and heat. 3 ball lightning is made of metal nanoparticle chains, the energy released by oxidation of metal nano-particles to the surface carried out in this theory, like ordinary lightning can cause the soil or the release of substances such as wood metal vapor, such charged metal vapor condensed into a mesh of metal nanoparticles ball. These theories have some convincing, especially The third theory, can explain why ball lightning can pass through walls and closed windows, seems to be more persuasive. research, however, it has not yet been made in the laboratory a real ball lightning, although a very micro-simulation and short-lived ball lightning. In fact, all the theory in the complex nature of ball lightning in front seemed so thin. a real ball lightning theory should explain all phenomena, including the lack of ball lightning and thunderstorm conditions, and last a long time Ball lightning as big as a house of the situation, while clear to say all this, you need a more powerful theory was that a more convincing explanation should be close to the field of cold polymerization, plasma phenomena associated with the theory was made more spherical lightning and tornadoes are the same as the phenomenon of plasma group. It was also envisaged that the best may be the electromagnetic theory, electrical theory and plasma and nanotechnology combine the idea of ​​short, ball lightning is not only interesting, but contains many secrets, Once you understand its nature, our human life may have far-reaching impact, maybe, we can not only find the Tunguska explosion of human self-immolation and the culprit, which find more efficient and clean new energy. Brazilian scientists in the experiment chamber made of Brazilian magic ball lightning in the laboratory, scientists recently created a really big ball of fire - ball lightning not only make it light, even for a few minutes to make it jump by 巴西佩尔纳 Baku (Pernambuco) Anthony Aopa Ao and the Federal University of Victoria team led by Gerson irresolute, the 350-micron-thick silicon wafer on the ground between two electrodes, pass on up to 140 amps for two seconds, they pull the electrode slightly Some open, resulting in the formation of silicon steam arc This arc-like silicon from time to time pop Unqualified fire, and continue to expand, suddenly became a table tennis, and continued for 8 seconds. So far, this is in the laboratory the longest life out of the fireball. It has been previously created using the microwave-emitting ball, but off in the microwave, they lasted only milliseconds, then disappeared. ball lightning and human self-immolation December 5, 1966, in Porter City, Pennsylvania, USA, a gas worker classes from 9 am to look-up table Terai medical home, he thought that the old doctor yet to get up, it went straight to the basement to look-up table. a basement into a pile of ashes found in the ground, he looked up and saw the ceiling above the ashes of a large hole burned through his surprise, the old man quickly ran up to find a doctor, but burn a hole in the bathroom to see the floor, only half of the human leg the old man's body has been reduced to ashes The entire scene was not the slightest sign of fire. Some scientists call this phenomenon the contact with fire, burning to ashes on inside, and all flammable objects around the ashes of a phenomenon intact, according to the existing more than 200 cases, the occurrence of year-old has; body fat have thin, in some cases even walking, driving,[url=http://www.monclre-online.de/]Moncler Store[/url], boating, dancing process. Well, excess body fat has caused. This interpretation is clearly untenable, because the occurrence of self-immolation of a fat person thin. Some people think that the human body is due to a natural self-immolation natural This person has made a ridiculous test: the injection of alcohol into a fresh piece of meat, but it has not seen happen, spontaneous combustion, but he fired. who hold this view, explains: ball lightning, like a big fireball in the air, fluttering Huhu, fluctuated mobile, often makes the road at night people, alarmed by ball lightning can pass through the door , window cracks, Shengtangrushi, drilling people, it is sometimes exploded, destroying the building, causing human and animal casualties along the way passing through it, encounter any obstacle invincible, but do not burn combustible things around Typically, a ball lightning explosion released energy equivalent to about 10 kilograms of TNT explosion released energy and when ball lightning disappears, usually leaving scorch, or the ozone smell of sulfur. UFO and ball lightning As the secretive behavior of ball lightning strange, it was suggested that most of the UFO might be ball lightning. The reasons are: 1. in color. the color of ball lightning colorful, white, pink, orange, blue, etc.. UFO also a similar color. lightning and atmospheric color variety may be related to hypoxia was pink, the lack of negative oxygen ions was blue, the lack of water vapor and dust was yellow when 2 in the sound side. ball lightning when in motion given a slight squeak, crackle, and finally disappear quietly. UFO due distance, most can not hear sound, but there are a few UFO flight will be issued when the whirring sounds or rumbling sound. part of the UFO also issued a heat This is consistent with the ball lightning. 3.UFO and ball lightning can float the air, elusive. 4 ball lightning during exercise part of the surrounding air is ionized, and thus the formation of Bohou uneven light shielding layer, so that witnesses saw the dish shaped, circular, and other cigar-shaped image, which is why many people report it's one of the reasons for the UFO to date collection of various types of UFO sighting reports indicate that more than 99% of which are caused by natural phenomena or man-made, including ball lightning of the total 50% to 60%, but those who hold different views that ball lightning is produced in thunderstorm weather and more, while the majority of UFO sightings occurred in clear weather. hazards and hazard-prevention ball lightning is a hazard large lightning. Ball lightning is a form of lightning, also known as ball flash, private mines is often called the roll. ball lightning, the average diameter of 25 cm, mostly in the 10 to 100 cm, small of only 0.5 cm, maximum diameter of several meters. ball lightning occasionally ring or center outward extension of the blue glow, spark or ray. color common to orange-red or red, when it is bright and makes a special dazzling light there, they can see yellow, blue, green and purple. The life span of only 1 to 5 seconds, the longest up to several minutes. ball lightning routes, usually directly from the decline in high-altitude, close to the ground suddenly tapped for horizontal movement; some suddenly appeared on the ground, bending forward; also rolling along the surface and rapidly rotating; velocity usually 1 to 2 meters per second it can pass through doors and windows, commonly through chimney into the building, it can even slide on the wire, and sometimes also issued a and livestock deaths. met amazing people in case things happened after the explosion, resulting in a sharp odor, causing casualties, fires and other accidents, scientists speculated that ball lightning is a swirl of gas produced in the sharp turn at the lightning channel is a group with a high charge of the gas mixture, mainly by oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and small amounts of hydrogen peroxide formed, usually in branched lightning, it seems branched lightning is ball lightning produced a necessary condition for ball lightning is rare, and therefore research It is very difficult, is still a mystery in nature. prevention thunderstorms often produce a strong discharge phenomenon, if the discharge hit the personnel, buildings, or a variety of devices, often causing casualties and economic losses. Emergency points: ● Note Close doors and windows, interior personnel should stay away from doors and windows, water pipes, gas pipes and other metal objects. ● Close home appliances, unplug the power cord to prevent the lightning from the invasion. ● When outdoors, avoid a timely manner, not in the open field stay in the open field nowhere to hide, they should try to find low-lying place (such as the pit) to hide, or immediately squat, lower the height of the body. ● away from isolated trees, towers, utility poles, billboards . ● stop outdoor swimming, boating, fishing and other water activities. ● If people live together outdoors, do not squeeze by each other, to avoid being struck by lightning in the current after each transfer. Expert Tip: ● lightning protection must be installed on tall buildings devices, lightning disasters defense. ● Do not use the phone outdoors. ● being struck by lightning in the people, should take immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation rescue. ● bath as little as possible during a thunderstorm, solar water heater users should not take a bath. science fiction book cover

Author: Liu Cixin ISBN: 9787536455382 Pages: 281 Publisher: Sichuan Science and Technology Press books: the cornerstone of Chinese science fiction books Price: 22.0 Binding: Paperback Publication: 2005-6 written by the famous science fiction writer Liu Cixin a to ball lightning as the center started a long science fiction, the book describes a hero after his ball lightning going through hard study mileage, to show us a unique, mysterious and bizarre world. Introduction in a bizarre rainy night, a ball lightning broke into the vision of youth and it reveals a sharp low whistle, like a ghost in the wilderness on the Pacific blowing Xun When the ghost Zouwan music, ball lightning in the moment the boy's parents were reduced to ashes, and they live under the bench is miraculous cold this night, the boy's fate was completely changed, he will complete his life to unlock that his natural orphaned mystery, but he had not thought of, years later, a simple study of natural science were included into the was being detained in the ultimate weapon in the mighty force of nature is released, a cold A future has never been imagined, in the universe under the watchful eye of the observer, came before mankind ... ... Chinese leader Liu Cixin science fiction in the book, the thick realist style, the mighty deep imagination and rational patriotism integration, grand, vehement, people could not bear to address the volume, let them go. dota hero Storm Spirit skill wrapped up by lightning, dropped its physical form, for speeding movement, magic runs out or until it reached the target in the process of moving, anywhere near his unit are subject to shock damage (damage value is proportional to the spirit of the storm moved away.) speed and damage range increases with the level of increase. casting range: full map of Mana: Mana cost 15 +7 % of maximum mana [every move further away from consumption of 100 1% of the maximum mana +10] Level 1 - Spirit of the storm moved 100 from each, an increase of 8 damage Level 2 - Storm Spirit 100 from every move, damage increased by 12 Level 3 - Storm Spirit 100 from each mobile, damage increased by 16 entries Atlas Atlas 7 2 3


ball lightning

ball lightning

abc on ball lightning reports on



4 5 Open Category: Natural sciences, meteorology, geophysics, science fiction, I have to improve lightning characteristics of ball lightning the size of the diameter from 15 to 30 centimeters, but it was also seen 1 to 2 cm in diameter and 5 to 10 meters size. A fixed frequency can change the size of its diameter, can be debilitating smaller explosions can increase its volume and make it end. Can be changed by decomposition or re-size. Most reports of spherical shape or oval, and flat rectangle, cube, round ring, dumbbell-shaped, cloud-shaped, cylindrical, bullet-shaped, cigar-shaped, cone-shaped, lens-shaped, shield-shaped and spiral-shaped and so on. ball lightning usually occurs under a thunderstorm, it is very light, slightly cylindrical and spherical diameter of about 20 to 100 cm. Usually it will only maintain a few seconds, but there are also maintained a record of 1-2 minutes. Even more amazing is that it can in the air, independent and slowly moving. Some witnesses saw the fireball as it bounced off the ground and the air disappeared. A few witnesses said it would go with metal objects, such as telephone lines, but most people say it's uncertain path. Witnesses said most of it is lateral movement. In its short life in a few seconds, its luminosity, the shape and size remain the same. It was in the open, closed room, and even aircraft cabin there! There are indications that with cloud lightning between the ground (ie, common ordinary lightning) are closely related, witnesses said it would in an ordinary lightning formed or disappear. Ball lightning may be heated to the outbreak, may suddenly disappear quietly. In color, the different opinions, there is no consistent description. Destructive ball lightning destructive. It can destroy windows, peeling off the outer walls can also. It has also caused human and animal casualties, but because of lack of information, failure to understand the real cause of death. There is no evidence that ball lightning will destroy the trees, which is slightly different from ordinary lightning. Ball lightning is almost impossible to be destroyed, some have been shot with a rifle ball lightning, but invalid. As the frequency of ball lightning is very low, difficult to make systematic observations scientists, no one has taken to get high-quality photos for scientific research. Theory, some people think it is hot air or gasification of the group of elements, such as carbon, sodium and or copper. Although this theory can explain some characteristics of ball lightning, but can not explain why it can be formed in the aircraft cabin. In addition, there are many different versions, such as plasma, ions, charged dust, with the outer electron shell of the water ... but no one theory can satisfactorily explain the science outstanding. If you have seen ball lightning or the photo shoot it, must take all the data recorded it! It will be very valuable research data. The reason why the mysterious ball lightning mystery, it is because it is not common, it is misty whereabouts, changing color and shape as well as its destructive power is so great that instant fascinated mankind. So, back in the era of ancient Greece, people began to pay attention to this unusual natural phenomenon. Many people think that ball lightning is not a mass-density plasma at room temperature, due to When the ion layer part of the ion and electron concentration, it may form a ball lightning. About


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