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-> Speaking of excitement Department, Feng Shi Hao looks to the table pops ring

because of a cold, Su Wen-fang the then seven years old daughter to a clinic to fight hanging bottle, from the child became a vegetable. Faced with this harsh reality, Wen Fang, who lives in roughness and urban places lying in bed watching her husband Dong Jinguang

after the couple that the child into a vegetative state Dong Jinguang fully responsible for the clinic, the clinic is available at that time insisted that The two sides dispute who is behind in the end is a jump in the bottle before playing style or class member's children into a vegetable?

abnormal reaction

hit ceftriaxone only two or three minutes, the children face some purple, shaking up

time back in October 2008 27.

10 月 27 on this day is Monday. Was only 7 years old, a primary school in urban roughness grade reading 2 sweet (a pseudonym) due to a cold, at noon home with her grandmother after school in medicine, but she thinks Was busy in the store business Dongjin Guang, Wen Fang Su couple received a call from her mother,[url=http://www.uggclearance1.com/]UGG Boots Outlet[/url], quickly put down the living home, her hand touch the door after the child's forehead, fever.

even at school, home from school the other hand, are almost here, so she will be the child into this clinic.

after initial diagnosis, was in the clinic Tian Xiufang that the child has asthma. Followed by a skin test to the children Tianxiu Fang ceftriaxone, ceftriaxone and that the children can play Yan Hu Ning.

places Fann said Tian Xiufang give children playing Yan Hu Ning. Yan Hu Ning in the process of playing, has been guardian of the child's bedside places Fann, the children found some shortness of breath and vomiting.

places next Tianxiu Fang Wen Fang quickly ask,

ceftriaxone in a child playing only two or three minutes, Su Wen Fang found that some children face purple, shaking up. She quickly went to ask Tianxiu Fang, Tian Xiufang looked at the child, the child felt some exceptions, then gave the children injected with dexamethasone.

nightmare come

also jump a few hours before the child became a vegetable, which makes Dong Jinguang couples are afraid to think about anyway

child in bed shaking more and more, I feel a bit scared. Su Wen Fang was hastily called to her husband, her husband heard the news, driving to the clinic came. Hang up the phone, while shaking the child places Fann, while to the 120 call.

Dong Jinguang rushed to clinics outside the couple's children will be in a coma into the car flew aboard roughness City People's Hospital. Halfway the ambulance to come pick up their children.

places, according to Wen Fang said that the child has no car on the emergency breathing feature, after seeing the car first aid personnel, rushed to start the rescue of children,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearancemalls.com/]UGG Clearance[/url], while children plug in the oxygen tube, and for chest compressions.

ambulance soon arrived at the roughness City People's Hospital emergency room, in the emergency room, after the rescue of more than health care workers, children finally have some breathing characteristics. Subsequently, by promoting the intensive care unit. is playing a bottle, a few hours ago the children jump became a vegetable, which makes Dong Jinguang couples are afraid to think in any case, a nightmare come so quietly in the three homes.

three questions

1 bottles gone

children playing in the clinic when the bottle with what drugs, which save the lives of children and After symptomatic treatment is very important. Reporters in a signed bolus meters, intramuscular injection of m

other words, the children sent to people in crisis situations arise hospital before seen from the clinic records, the clinic with these three drugs.

according to rescue the hospital needs, People's Hospital medical staff asked his wife to the child Dongjin Guang clinic before playing bottle, this is not so after a few bottle of medicine bottles and brought back to the hospital, but when Su Wen-fang to the clinic was to find

other words, the children played on October 27 bottle there was an accident, October 28, separated by only one day, empty bottle on the first could not find. This couple appears in the Dongjin Guang, this gave them a nightmare to bring the Not get the The intensive care room at 7-year-olds did not out of danger, the hospital has a lot of times under the Children in the first two weeks of hospital treatment, the Tianxiu Fang Pang Shi Hao and her husband has been very to match. When children in the hospital treatment to 20 days, Feng Shi Hao sexual intercourse once a children 6.8 million in cash, and brought a five-globulin.

in the more than 60,000 yuan to the Dong Jinguang couple, the Dongjin Guang said,

2 hospitals who opened

Pang Shi Hao who is? According to Dong Jinguang couple said Pang Shi Hao was the roughness Chengguan district offices hospitals, vice president, reporters afterwards he gave roughness Municipal Health Bureau, Health Bureau, said Pang Shi Hao is still the vice president of this hospitals.

2008 年 10 月 27 date the incident occurred, the Red Road clinic attached to the hospitals Chengguan district offices, the clinic was contracted Pang Shi Hao. According to Dong Jinguang said Pang Shi Hao usually work in hospitals, the Red Road by his wife Tian Xiufang care clinics.

day, Dong Jinguang couple called the police. Subsequently, Feng Shi Hao and Dong Jinguang couples couples are taking note are the roughness Municipal Public Security Bureau for investigation.

correspondent to the Municipal Public Security Bureau in the roughness Pang Shi Hao made graduation certificate, no nurses witness.

police record made for the show Tianxiu Fang, Tian Xiufang June 1989, graduated from Shandong Province, workers specialized secondary schools, school nursing; graduated from Qingdao in July 1996, Radio and TV University, School of clinical expertise, time of the incident, Tian Xiufang no

neither a In fact, this is the places Wenfang children to the clinic did not know before. Also in the roughness of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to investigate the incident after the treatment because there is no money to the children, and Dongjin Guang Feng Shi Hao couple has to find his wife, Feng Dong family gave 20,000 yuan treatment fee, no later asked had children.

3 in the end to see who's sick

police inquiry transcripts show, Feng Shi Hao has said that he had the disease for kids, and Tian Xiufang has repeatedly said is for the children to see her husband's illness .

Similarly, the police did ask a couple of Dong Jinguang transcripts, the reporter noted,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearanceuks.co.uk/]UGGs Clearance[/url], the couple say that Tian Xiufang this woman From October 27, 2008, the child into a vegetative state to the present more than two years, Dongjin Guang Tian Xiufang couple have always thought that was a prescription and give her child to play the bottle, not Pang Shi Hao. The Pang Shi Hao couples in an interview with reporters, told reporters repeatedly insisted that the child was to come to treatment when the disease is to see Pang Shi Hao prescription, rather than Tianxiu Fang.

kick down the bottle after the child became a vegetative state, for couples and Dongjin Guang Shi Hao Pang couple is concerned, both sides are aware of a qualification certificate and a certificate of qualification who do not, give their children prescription After the treatment,

ring pops.

staring at the people inside to see the doctor? from a common sense point of view is impossible.

clinic has now become the status quo pharmacy

couple of reporters in the Pang Shi Hao roughness provided by the Municipal Health Bureau on December 30, 2007 issued by the Pang Shi Hao's license Project for the surgical treatment, roughness Chengguan Dean Street Office hospitals Liu Zhijie the legal representative of the clinic, at the time of Pang Shi Hao Ren Weisheng, vice president of the clinic is the main person in charge of the clinic's contractor.

fact, in the roughness of the incident the police investigation soon, the clinic has almost paralyzed, the clinic was closed Pang Shi Hao. Two years ago the red flag road at the eastern end of Pingdu roughness Chengguan Hongqi Road Subdistrict Office hospitals clinics, and now has a face-lift, as the Mil-pharmacy, the pharmacy did not change the operator is still Pang Shi Hao and his wife Tian Xiufang .

child will shake his head in a vegetative state

child lying in a hospital bed during treatment, due to the long-term ventilator hose on the mouth, the child's teeth are lost, Later, forced the need for treatment, only 7 years old when the child so the pipes were cut, and now scar remains in the child's neck.

children in the hospital for six months, in the Since discharge, the child still needs ventilation breathing,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/monster-crossfade-c-19.html]Monster Crossfade[/url], who lives in the 6th floor of Dong Jinguang difficult breathing machine carried home, so they staying in the roughness of the urban area west of the Victory Village houses in one.

current Dongjin Guang lived in this little cottage, the yard and placed in the living room full of diapers. This has been lying in bed more than two years, now is the 9 year old child incontinence, do not know anyone, hands and feet, stooped forward, lying in bed, she would only shake his head, strange sounds issued from time to time .

Dong Jinguang previously opened brand distributors also abandoned because of the child into a vegetative state, has 35-year-old Su Wen-fang suddenly come to face the nightmare of their own homes, have Kugan tears. She still can not believe the child has become a vegetable.

from medical malpractice in the civil litigation was involved behind the January 14 City People's Court in the roughness again civil court hearing,[url=http://www.buy-ugg.us/]UGG Outlet[/url], the hearing adjourned after 15 minutes.

often lay in bed looking at the issue of Aoao daughter cry, Wen Fang Su tears every time. Despite this, Su Wen Fang still imagined that one day the children can stand up again. She said that even stand up, which Payouyitian call her mother soon Ye Hao.

text / reporter Wang side

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