

Baike card

Magazine over the years has always been to carry forward the excellent culture of human responsibility, adhere to the seek quality, and its form and content of the richness and diversity, won the readers of all ages and different levels of love and support.


About purpose of the magazine magazine magazine magazine version of the basic information section magazine magazine honors masthead logo related to the development process of the origin of words related to geography magazine album was released in Taiwan in January magazine profile

1981 months of Formerly known as Magazine for one year with a circulation of 160,000. The end of 1982 with a circulation of 420,000. In 1983, circulation exceeded 1.36 million. However, In early 1982, the United States, Sino-US two Since 1990, Sino-US two In 1992 the United States, Resolve after the U.S., New name mentioned in the letter are: the reader, our readers, readers of the house, chatting, sharing, and so on. Finally, use the 1993 Seventh,[url=http://www.buy-ugg.us/][b]title=UGG Outlet Store[/b][/url],

purpose of the magazine readers, In content and form of publication in the times, the pursuit of high-grade, high quality, and strive to fine, and its form and content richness and diversity, won the readers of all ages and different levels of love and support. Magazine version

founded, Cover designed, simple and elegant layout, content delivery a deep sense of human care, by people like the recent monthly circulation has exceeded 10 million. After 30 years of development, dollars (from the beginning of 2009, the first price $ 4, by 2009 pricing $ 3) was 120 yuan, issue later changed to a monthly magazine, priced five yuan version) (cooperation with the Xinjiang People's Publishing House), Editor: Beverly was executive vice president, deputy editor: Ning Hui, vice president, deputy editor: Hou Yun Zhang, Yuan Qin Huai, Ren Wei Editor: Zhang Tao Awake: Lanzhou, Gansu Province, No. 520 South Riverside Road Address: Central Square, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, Post Office, 4.00 yuan magazine column marriage and family, the younger generation, between the two generations; life: psychological life, business management, financial management; civilization: overseas, he rocks, leaf of history, culture, cafes, people and nature, the image; home: man and nature, biological World; bit: speech, cartoons and humor, meaning forest, bit by bit; interaction: intellectual interest, the reader by editors; art: the cover, insert art, songs. Magazine 1995 Since 2001, the magazine readers to actively adjust the magazine ideas, timely publication integrates content, marketing and brand management in the greater efforts, innovation, planning with a series of major reform initiatives. Number of species in the rapid growth of domestic journals, periodicals, but not simultaneously increased the total print run, circulation declined in many popular publications, competitive market situation, In October 2002, monthly circulation exceeded 6 million mark,[url=http://www.uggonlineoutlet.us/][b]title=UGG Sale[/b][/url], a record high. October 2003 exceeded eight million mark in November to a record 8.06 million,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com][b]title=Moncler Online[/b][/url], an increase of nearly 2 million, creating a miracle in the history of Chinese journals. At the same time, According to current statistics, July 2009, the reader Publishing Group Educational Media Group with Jacky Parks held a This is a Chinese state-owned publishing industry in the reform process in cooperation with private enterprises to explore the important events. Since 1987, since the cross-strait exchanges Taimukaiqi through the joint efforts of compatriots on both sides, the two sides in performance, education, exhibitions and other cultural fields achieved a major breakthrough, the country's largest-circulation magazine further development of cross-strait cultural exchanges, cultural exchanges between the two sides entered a new stage. [1] magazine readers and honor in all levels of government, management and strong community support and assistance so far has gone through 30 years of ups and downs. 30 years, Founded when the monthly circulation from 30,000 to April 2005 monthly circulation reached 9.1 million, ranking first in China, the world's fourth comprehensive journals, hundreds of millions of readers at home and abroad had a profound impact, with high visibility and reputation, as the This rapid growth, enduring, the 2003 in the United States, Canada, printed simultaneously. 1998-2001 continuous issued by the State Press and Publication Administration of the first and second one hundred kinds of key social science journals Award in 2000 was the first National Journal Award (the highest Chinese periodical industry award), the State Press and Publication 2001 Department as The end of 2002, re the second National Journal Award. and many other domestic and foreign customers with advertising services, and its accomplishments have been unanimous consent. Masthead Origin

, Mr. Zhao Puchu published in 1984, this inscription. Brand for the HU Ya right to admit, a magazine brand in the eyes of their generation, just title it, never even realized that the magazine's brand with a magazine's overall image, logo-related, but do not know the magazine title, the image is assets that should be protected. logo related to 1995, Only three months after the news release, they received from all over the country sent more than 30,000 works. In the imagination of many candidates, More readers to the magazine compared to Rose, is a symbol of love. There are a considerable number of people to More than thirty thousand pieces of manuscripts, the editorial board felt a deep feeling of pressure. Concerned about the issue of a magazine the subject of most of these ordinary readers, the proportion of professionals pitiful. At this point, the Navy has another high office Gansu Fine Arts Publishing House deputy editor, art editor from the Central Academy of Fine Arts graduate from any successor to Wei, he was responsible for primary work. From manuscripts in their primaries out of more than thirty works, invited many experts from within the country selected. HU Ya right to enjoy one of a Chinese dragon pattern, very flamboyant means. Hu's proposal, but the judges did not get the recognition they think this picture is a lack of the Journal of the selection of a temporary emblem of They decided to internal form, a second Zhenggao. This time down to the expert level, Ren Wei to Beijing on behalf of the magazine, the Central Academy of Arts and opened a when the discussion of Lanzhou, when the same view. Dragon's temperament and Long used as a standard issue of the magazine Days, the Central Academy of Fine Arts Dean Professor Chen Hanmin decoration to make a point: as a that you wear this hat is the most appropriate. He suggested: Can I use a bee as a published standard? His views may not be everyone's identity, many people think that using a bee to express a magazine, a little vulgar. The final result of the discussions, we draw a person, work out, and then assessed. Professor Chen Hanmin has been involved in the design of China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank, People's Bank, Agricultural Bank and the World Conference on Women, the four lines, '97 reunification, one of the five other signs, is the Chinese symbol of influential industry experts. He showed his amazing sense of confidence. He insists that his imagination painted a small bee. Designed a few pieces of work back to Lanzhou, the author's name was withheld, please experts tasting. HU Ya-Wei rights and any comments tend to be small bees, with a little bee metaphor that small bees, wasps scientific name is called China. Finally, this little green bee was selected as a Bee's background is apple green, the green life is full of strong tension, it's symbolic in fact integrated with the magazine's overall temperament. This To enable this flag will not be infringing, they This is the This little bee trademark that they were paying royalties of three million, is now the value of the image be? History magazine edited and published by the readers, Gansu People's Publishing House's Since founded in 1981 so far, amount of 8.98 million, ranking number one Chinese journals, periodicals ranked first in Asia, the world's fourth comprehensive journal has achieved outstanding social and economic benefits, out of a Chinese journal of development success. Over the years, , is to choose a good culture Living with the times; pursuit of high quality, high-quality, won the readers at home and abroad of all ages and different levels of love, known as To continue to meet people's growing material and cultural needs, and strive to build a socialist harmonious society of socialism with Chinese characteristics and create a new culture to play a positive role. For 25 years, Especially in the new century, the magazine actively adjust the magazine ideas, timely integration of publication content, marketing and brand management have increased efforts to reform and innovation in fast-growing species in domestic journals and periodicals simultaneous increase in the total print run is not Many popular press circulation decline in the competitive market situation, , the domestic periodicals occupy 1 / 30 share. At present, the From the founding to the present, Since the new century, the reader gradually magazine founded three new journals, now edited and published the reader , Magazine readers are trying to tap the development of Continuously from 1998 to 2001 by the State Press and Publication Administration issued the first and second national 100 kinds of key social science journals Award, 1999 was the first Publication as August 27, 2004, published by the Central Propaganda Bureau of the Ministry of Press and Publication Newspaper Division, held in Beijing, China Periodicals Association comrades and some experts, representatives from more than 80 readers who attended the meeting; August 2005, Comrade Li Changchun visited the reader magazine, praised the Business New Long March, Brand Promotion January 18, 2006, the Gansu People's Publishing House, based on the April 2006, CPC Gansu Provincial Committee, Provincial Government, Press and Publication Administration, the Central Propaganda Department and Publication Bureau, China Periodicals Association to the Congratulations, At 9:00 on April 16, 2011, readers of Gansu People's Publishing House Publishing Group celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of Relevant comments by 1. I've played out my role, now just to live in obscurity. I want to return home the village, playing with the childhood of the hill walk. - Nelson Mandela willing to be a post-retirement civilian 2. Do not worry, relax, be happy! - There are over 30 years of jail Mandela, still hale and hearty life to 85 years old, this is the secret of his life 3. Do not smoke in bed, or floor of the ashes may be your own. - American hotel rooms notices. Wives can also use the phrase warned his smoker husband 4. Hospitality in good faith is required in the social, but should also be limits, once too, becomes a humble attentive ... ... respect the feelings of friends, but also to make friends believe that we respect our own feelings. - The famous French writer La Rochefoucauld in ethics, And the spirit which prizes important? Money is necessary, but once into a part of household expenditure, it was forgotten, only spiritual support is a source of power everlasting. - United States Entrepreneur Mary Kay that goes far beyond the power of the spirit of bonuses 6. Learning is a real special skill, is the people's first feature, the first strength, first the wisdom, the first origin. Everything else is the result of learning, learning grace. - A famous writer Wang Meng on learning 7. Thank God I did not create a clever craftsman, my most important finding is the failure by the bitter obtained. - British scientists said David 8. People alive if only to eat, that meal would not be called rice, called feed. - A Hong Kong filmmaker, writer, TV host of insights on life 9. A rich people going to ask a chef to a chef is about to leave wages, so invited the cashier; more people, more food, so invited the buyer, the driver; spending big cash more, invited expansion of security ... a family up. - The formation of an administrative system, 10. And the rich do not pay, I do not poor; not with your pay, I'm not cheap. Self-inductance is not poverty but not cheap, you can often at music environment, in good physical and mental. - Writer Zhengyi Mei says 11. The so-called flower, that is, with love and bread, want to eat cake mood; so-called affair is hidden out of the siege, fall into the trap; the so-called romantic, is to help his wife buy a package of cabbage, it also pulled back a rose ; so-called kitchen, is the red carpet leading to the marriage front. - All so-called 12. Exempt from the three major flaws in the work of people: life boring, unruly, penniless. - Voltaire 13. Love is not a book, you can save fifty years into the bookcase is not bad. Love is a plant needs watering care. Allow a person the same day to water the plants need a lot of patience. - Love requires careful management 14. Telling anyone to pull the driver to make money, accounting, money pen flower, leading money sign papers, the on the program. - All kinds of people make money of the Road 15. Happy to share more with people, the more its value increases. - Sencunchengyi language 16. Sometimes a few noodles will be able to hold up for some time; sometimes toss a pile of gold but the day was rickety. - Wealth does not mean being 17. All parts of the shot in the bull's-eye painted brace, and then say it is archery's purpose. - Gives the impression of many historical conclusion 18. In addition to humans and locusts, there is a little animal in it when an area tourists mess. - Ma Long Hill book Culture does not seem directly related to people's livelihood, but it is directly related to the nation's character, spirit, consciousness, thought, speech and temperament. Culture out of this nerve, a nation will become a vegetable. - Feng Jicai 20. We often can not do great things, but we can do some small things great love. - Nobel Peace Prize winner Mother Teresa says 21. Perspective only porn woman, nearly shameless. But as a man, a woman's eyes can not see completely free of pornography. I can not think of sex in a neutral filter to make the eyes of a woman that is what men like. - Zhou Guoping concept about a man watching a woman 22. Another touted the official person; look down on each other is engaged in the arts; meet not telling the truth is that business people. - Dialogue in the disclosure of professional identity 23. Do you think keep a secret a secret communication more valuable than when you are mature. A - a father for his son to explain such a mature 24. A woman asks a man has no ability to have the ability; men own ability but it will not hinder a woman complain of luck. - In short, man is not is not capable of 25. China road traffic conditions shows very clearly: the heart of the Chinese people simply anarchists. - readers According to Taiwan's According to reports, the According to Taiwan's This is the first magazine allowed to enter the mainland to Taiwan. It is founded in March 1981, originally named However, the renamed [2] Location Address: Central Square, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, Post Office,

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3. Literature website readers


readers literary website was established in August 2, 2005, focused on creating pure, quiet style of literary sites. Literary readers to open up a network in the Pure Land Daqian for your work in the struggling, exhausted in life, mood troubles, confused and not before time, a nap here. Stop, or will soak a cup of coffee, tea pregnant, open literature, the reader, gently rolling the mouse, navigate with a fresh chapter of the text, the taste of the ups and downs of life. Readers of literature are edited every article carefully chosen, the most important is the style of the article in line with our website, so that readers get spiritual purification. Each article can bring to mind the reader of the collision, in the plain to understand the true meaning of life, inadvertently reveals the truth. Let us hope for the future, let us for a better life and work of early arrival, no wasted years, not because of past regret. In today's rapid economic development, let us from time to time to literary readers to precipitate their minds. Gently wiped the dust from the outside world to bring those, give yourself a sincere, caring for people around a given community to put some of my light. To change lives in the plain unusual! Literary readers open their hearts to you always! Readers Literature - pure mind reader space! 4 Liang said the prose books readers Baike card

book about the book edge, reading methods, reading view; to talk about the book because of the friends and everything and clutch; politics books politics lace; about author of the classic books mind, there is talk about art exudes the smell of books or stories related to the author; once again to talk about Book, book reviews and articles belonging to a combination of prose, Mr. Liang Wendao also following the This book readers more widely to young students, have some knowledge of the working-class culture, the culture and people interested in the main reading.

Title: Reader Author: Liang Tao ISBN: 9787503698965 Category: prose Publisher: Law Publishing Time: 2009-10-1 Folio: 16 opening words: 203000


author books Contents Author Born in Hong Kong in 1970, Liang said. 1988, started writing art criticism, cultural and current affairs comments and has been involved in various types of cultural and social activities. Serving Phoenix TV commentator, and at the Catalog library catalog preface normal readers are prepared to do normal readers the first chapter you read a reader, - War is not only the attitude of peace and knowledge translation - - - Or crab? - - Liberation - the Taiwan, how? - year - - - Chapter V also learn the social point of stiff art chamber can be irresponsible of the real writers do? - alien civilization No smoking - tail theory Related articles:

