
Bose HeadphonesI got home with Dad and took myself a shower after I ate some lunch

I got home with Dad and took myself a shower after I ate some lunch. Then I sat on our tan leather couch and said flipped through some channels. I told Andy that I’d invited them when she came into the living room. She said that was cool cause the guys were already coming too. I told her she’d like Kazi. She said that she didn’t doubt it. Now that I’d told someone it would just be a surprise to everyone else including Piper. She’d forgive me though.

So I did my hair after it dried and straightened it from it’s thick frizz that always comes with this California heat and a shower. It looked kind of shiny in the mirror framing my face. I put on a little bit of blue eyes shadow as well as mascara. I also wore one of my big, blue shirts over a black tank top. It had little jewels that made a set of birds. It looked like a disco light in the sun. I looked for my jacket for almost ten minutes until I remembered I left it at the party three weeks ago. I loved that jacket.

My sister was waiting for me at the door when I slipped on a pair of my gladiator shoes and we went out the door. She commented on the shorts I was wearing and we left in the car. We didn’t have to go far, just about ten minutes from the house. We were the first ones to arrive. We payed for our tickets and some popcorn. I had used some extra money I found in a pair of jeans to buy myself some junior mint candies. Andy hated mint with a passion, but it was my favorite flavor if it didn’t taste like my toothpaste.

The door opened and the next person in was Whitney with Kyle. Then I saw Dan come in. A few minutes later Carter and Damen arrived along with Kazi who was driving. Then there was also Piper who came in at the same time Matt did. We were all hear and ready to go. Everyone paid for their tickets. Now, we just had to be the first people in the theatre. So we were in there a whole forty-five minutes before the movie even started.

The same commercials played over and over again. I was sitting next to Piper on my left who was next to Whitney. On my right Andy was sitting next to Kazi. I was kind of stuck in the middle. I was little claustrophobic, but at least this time I was around my friends. Behind us the boys all sat next to each other. There was Matt on the far right next to Dan, next to Damen, next to Carter, who was next to Kyle. I was a little worried about Kyle and Carter sitting next to each other. At least Damen was there to settle things if he had to. However, it looked like the two of them were getting along just fine. I was more worried about what mischievous things they were thinking of doing.

Somehow the boys had convinced us to watch a scary movie. I got so bored with scary movies sometimes it looked like I might fall asleep. I rarely felt sick because of them of even frightened. Last time I was scared was when I was fourteen and that was because it was about a weird boogie man...in the water. It wasn’t all my fault. I mean, it’s not an irrational fear.

We waited for about a half an hour before the lights dimmed and we had to turn off all our cell phones. Then we were supposed to be quiet. I just talked with Piper a little more quietly. She kept asking me stuff at first but I convinced her to calm down and she did. Then we played some games on her iphone and were pretty distracted for a while. Then everyone was silent as the movie started.

This one took place in a wooded area, which for some reason gave me a bad feeling to start. I was already scared of this one. Wooded areas usually had lakes and ponds somewhere. Maybe though, just maybe there wouldn’t be in this one.

The movie started out as a huge party, which somewhat resembled ours. They were all having fun and laughing. Then someone suggested they hike out to this lake where a dead girl had died. So they girls do it as a midnight terror sort of thing. They take their flashlights and walk out there. Some of the girls heard noises as they were walking, but then it turned out to be the boys that had followed them and wanted to come to. So they all went and eventually they came to the lake. I was getting a little twitchy now. I was clutching my arm rests.

Why would the guys do this to me? Did they not understand just how much I really hated the water? I left through Piper’s side as quietly as I could. I just sat on a bench in the theatre and I started playing a game at one of the arcade things. Then I ate my mints. When the box was gone and I’d played six games, winning a high score twice. I heard footsteps and found that Andy had followed me out after a while.

“Where you been?” She asked and I just shrugged.

“Around,” I told her. “You know they did it on purpose.

“Ya, I don’t think they knew just how much it would bother you Addy. You can swim now though, so it’s okay right? I mean, you’ll get over it?” I nodded my head and gave her a fake smile.

“Ya I’ll be fine. Save my seat would you?” She nodded her head and went back in the theatre. I waited a little while before I followed her.

I went back to the theatre where we were at. I took my spot and sat down. I had missed what looked like a half hour of the movie. apparently three out of the six people were already dead or missing. One girl was breathing really hard and she was running through the woods. Then something fell from a tree when she looked it had been the guy that jumped from the bushes at the beginning. I jumped a little when he fell, but the girl on the screen screamed and started crying. She was yelling names now. She was looking for the other two survivors who were apparently together and dating.

When the camera found the two of them they were hiding in the original shack where the other girl was running to. They heard the door open when the girl came in. She was sobbing and still yelling for them. When she saw them she stopped yelling. She hid with them in the shack where they shut and locked every window. The guy was in the middle of grabbing salt from a cabinet when suddenly the music changes. As he’s about to enter the doorway that will lead him to living room with the other girls he is stopped by the ghost of a little girl. She says something. H waits until she moves towards him before he throws the salt on her. She disappears as the crystals hit her.

The guy sprints to the room with the girls. He makes a circle of salt around them all. However he doesn’t know that his girlfriend’s shoe has broken the circle. The ghost grabs her by the leg and the girl is gone. She’s disappeared into the darkness. The other girl screams out her name. She starts crying again, but now she’s holding on to the guy with the salt. He looks stunned and afraid for her. He sits the salt down and heads toward the dark area where she vanished. He is pulled into the black. Now it’s just the other girl left. She takes the salt and mends the broken circle. She doesn’t know that the ghost is already in the circle with her. The camera only shows salt turning blood red.

Finally the movie is over. It was so fake. I just wished they didn’t have to go to the lake. Everyone had apparently gotten in it when I left as Piper had told me. Not to mention she said it was good thing I left, because one girl was taken underwater and for a second nobody noticed. Until someone found her hand reaching above water.

I didn’t want to hear about it, but Piper told me any how. I was just glad it was over. We all got out of the theatre. The boys were making jokes and laughing. Then I heard Kyle from behind me.

“Good thing everyone here knows that there’s not really anything in the water, hu?” I didn’t say anything, but they had been saying things like that the whole time. Piper finally turned on Kyle.

“Shut up, Kyle. You’d think with the way you kept saying that, that you were trying to convince yourself. Quit being such a wuss.” She said. Then the other guys made ‘oooo’ sounds and ‘ouch’. I just smiled at Piper and we started walking a little ahead of everyone else. I had gotten in my car with Andy in the passenger seat. We were all going to have dinner now. We were planning at meeting at the Big Buffet that was a couple miles West. It had a good view of the West Coast and had been our go-to place whenever we all went out together to eat.

I pulled out of the parking lot following Matt and Dan. We all arrived at the restaurant and decided we would sit outside. It was a little chilly today and I was really wanting that jacket now. The deck was somewhat breezy, but it was cloudy today and oddly cold for late spring in California. Maybe we were looking at more weather like there was yesterday...

We all got to the deck and we put three tables, that sat four each, together. Once we were all seated, our waitress came outside. She took our drinks and we all started chatting. I was next to Kazi on my left,Bose Headphones, and next to Matt on my right. Kazi was next to Andy, who was next to Whitney sitting on the end of a table. Piper was next to Whitney, who was next to Carter. Carter was next to his brother, across from me, and Damen sat next to Kyle; who was a seat away,UGG Sale, and sitting at the other table end. Yes, you should be confused if you didn’t make a map.

We all got our drinks eventually and I immediately started drinking my Cherry Dr. Pepper. We ordered an appetizer of bread sticks and some mozzarella sticks. I think I ate two bread sticks and three mozzarella sticks. I was really hungry, and they kept me pretty warm for a while. Our waitress came back soon taking our orders and getting some more appetizers. I just ate a mozzarella stick the second go and I ordered myself something with fish and french fries.

Our food was there shortly and everyone was telling stories and sharing laughs. They were all retelling about I-remember ‘s.They were laughing about stupid things we’d all done. For instance, when Matt and Dan scared Whitney and Piper the first time we all went trick-or-treating. The girls had thrown their candy at them and the boys thought they were getting free candy as payment so they did it a second time and Whitney had fallen in a puddle. Piper had beaten up Matt and Dan. This time, it wasn’t with candy. Piper just flicked her hair over her shoulder.

“It sure taught you guys. Didn’t it?” Piper said. Then Matt and Dan started laughing.

“You probably couldn’t do it again,” Carter said. He hardly knew Piper, yet he already knew that she was mostly just talk. However, when Piper was in motion,Moncler Online, she was unstoppable; and if he wasn’t careful...

“You better watch your back,” I warned him. “Piper knows who her friends are if she’s gotta pick a fight.” Carter put his hands up in mock surrender.

“We’re all on the same side here.” He said and we all laughed. Piper rolled her eyes. Then Andy started up about the times when we had slumber parties and snuck out of the house. Mom and Dad never knew because they always thought we were asleep at nine, but at eleven we’d meet Dan, Whitney, Matt, Kyle, and Piper out at the park. We would all go star tripping and play stupid truth or dare games.

“Once we went around ding dong ditching houses. That was...what seventh grade?” She asked looking at me. I shook my head.

“No, the beginning of eighth grade.” I said and she nodded her head saying ‘Oh ya! That’s right!’

“Well,Beats Dr Dre Casque, anyways, we went out ding dong ditching and we left a pile of cat poop from Whitney’s cat on someone’s door, and an old lady looked through the window. Naturally Addy hadn’t run away yet knowing she was faster than an old lady. When that woman started yelling though, a police car that was parked on the corner started up. Addy had run full around the block and hid at the same house we left the cat crap at.” Andy said and now everyone was laughing. “Well,Moncler Coats, I was scared to death that I had lost my sister and she was going to jail for life. So, I ended up running home without her and with Kyle, Whitney, Matt, Dan, and Piper. Well, I kind of told our parents. When Addy got home after looking for us a while Mom and Dad were so mad. All of us were freaked out though. That was the end of our late night adventures.” I laughed remembering thinking I was so lucky only to find that my cover was blown.

“Ya they made us all apologize to everyone who’s door we left a bag at. Remember? We had to do it in person? That was terrible. So embarrassing. Jeesh.” I said laughing and blushing from the embarrassment now. “We were so cool after that.” I said sarcastically. Everyone laughed harder. Even Damen who I could see looking at me and wanting to hear more was nearly red in the face. Kazi was next to me and gasping. After that everyone kind of went into their own conversations.

Matt and Kyle were talking about where they should have the party at. Kazi was telling Whitney and Andy about the stupid things that she did in school and telling a little about Carter as I saw him randomly joining in. Piper and Carter were talking about something I couldn’t quite hear but it looked like he was describing something to her with his hands. Damen was talking with Matt and Kyle a little, but looked sort of disinterested. I just finished what was left of my cherry pepper. The soda gave me chills. I tried to fight off the cold with friction.

“Do you need a jacket?” Damen asked. I hadn’t realized he was watching me, but yes I did indeed need my jacket. I nodded.

“Ya, I lost mine a while back...” I said as he started taking his off.

“Here, you can use mine.” I snatched it from the air after he threw it over all our left overs.

“Really? Aren’t you cold?” He smiled, but shook his head.

“No, I used to live in the mountains,” he said and I raised an eye brow. “I did until seventh grade.”

“What happened in seventh grade?” I inquired.

“I punched my dad.” He said his voice kind of low. I wasn’t sure if I was meant to hear it. Then I heard chairs scooting out from the table. I hadn’t realized it but I was leaning across the table to listen to what he was saying. We both were, and then I stood up ready to leave with everyone else. I waited until everyone had started walking taking my time. Damen did the same patiently waiting for me.

“Why’d you do that? Did he hurt you?” I asked looking at the look on his face. He looked calm but like he was thinking. I was worried he wasn’t going to finish his story. Then he turned looked at me and finished.

“He was a drunk, and abusive. He used to throw Carter around a little bit and he’d yell at my mom all the time. There wasn’t a thing in the house that wasn’t broken by him at some point. One day I hit him, and he beat me back. I went to school and they called the courts. So, we left my mom and brother, and myself.”

“Why California?” I asked just curious now.

“My mother had always loved the beach. She just loved my father too.” I nodded. I couldn’t ever picture my father in that state, but now it made sense. He didn’t drink because he’d seen it at its worst. Well, who really like alcohol anyways?

“They are pretty.” I said as I looked at the horizon. I was almost to my car when I remembered his jacket. “Here,” I said taking it off. He just shook his head.

“No, you’ll need it tomorrow too.” He was pointing at the sky and he was right. The clouds looked like they had yesterday, only they hadn’t over flowed yet.

“Looks like you’re right.” I said laughing once. “Thanks.” I said and he smiled starting to walk the other way towards his car.

“You’re welcome.” He said. I waved and finished the walk to the Audi. While Andy drove us home, I realized it had already started sprinkling.


This only LOOKS long...pshh who am i kidding, I just hope you liked it. :)

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