
UGG Boots ClearanceInin an article of the modified code does not work

Inin an article of the modified code does not work .After the test,Vibram Five Fingers, the RTPSource Socket cannot detect a network error condition .In RTCPInstance socket can be detected ,Vibram 5 Fingers Shoes,so you can use the RTCPInstance notification RTPSource should stop stream transmission .
Modified as follows ( / / --------------------- contains code to modify Office ) :void RTCPInstance: :incomingReportHandler1 ( ) {do {int tcpReadStreamSocketNum = fRTCPInterface.nextTCPReadStreamSocketNum ( ) ;unsigned char tcpReadStreamChannelId = fRTCPInterface.
nextTCPReadStreamChannelId ( ) ;unsigned packetSize = 0 ;unsigned numBytesRead ;struct sockaddr_in fromAddress ;Boolean packetReadWasIncomplete ;Boolean readResult = fRTCPInterface.handleRead ( & ;fInBuf / fNumBytesAlreadyRead ,maxPacketSize - fNumBytesAlreadyRead ,numBytesRead ,fromAddress ,packetReadWasIncomplete ) ;if ( packetReadWasIncomplete ) {fNumBytesAlreadyRead + = numBytesRead ;return ;/ / more reads are needed to get the entire packet} else { / / normal case: We read the entire packetpacketSize = fNumBytesAlreadyRead + numBytesRead ;fNumBytesAlreadyRead = 0 ;/ / for next time} if ( !ReadResult ) { / / -------------------------------- / / error, stop the network reading fRTCPInterface.
stopNetworkReading ( ) ;/ / notification RTPSource and RTPSink ,the network goes wrong, should stop if ( fSink ) fSink-> ;StopPlaying ( ) ;if ( fSource-> fSource ) ;handleClosure ( fSource ( void * ) ) ;/ / --------------------------------- break ;} / / Ignore the packet if it was looped-back from ourself: Boolean packetWasFromOurHost = False if ( ) ;RTCPgs ( > ;wasLoopedBackFromUs ( envir ) ,( fromAddress ) ) {packetWasFromOurHost = True ;/ / However ,we still want to handle incoming RTCP packets from / / * other processes * on the same machine .
To distinguish from a true this / / case loop-back ,check whether we ve just sent a / / packet of the same size. ( This check isn t perfect ,but it seems / / to be the best we can do.
) if ( fHaveJustSentPacket & ;& ;fLastPacketSentSize = = packetSize ) { / / This is a true loop-back: fHaveJustSentPacket = False ;break ;/ / ignore this packet} } unsigned char * pkt = fInBuf if ( fIsSSMSource ;& ;& ;packetWasFromOurHost !) { / / This packet is assumed to have been received via unicast ( because we re a SSM source ,and SSM receivers send back RTCP " ;RR" ;/ / packets via unicast ) .
the packet by resending it to the multic Ast group ,so that any other receivers can also / / get to see it. / / NOTE: Denial-of-service attacks are possible here. / / Users of this software may wish to add their own ,/ / application-specific mechanism for the of this packet / / validity before reflecting it.
/ / NOTE: The test for " ;packetWasFromOurHost" ;means that we won ! reflect RTCP packets that come from other processes same host as on / / the US . The reason for this is that the packet size above is not 100% reliable ;some were truly looped packets / / that back from us might not be detected as such ,and this might lead to infinite forwarding / receiving / / of some packets .
To avoid this possibility ,we only reflect RTCP packets that we know for sure originated elsewhere. / / ( Note ,though ,that if we ever re-enable the code in " ;Groupsock: :multicastSendOnly ( ) ,then we could " ;remove the test for / / " ;packetWasFromOurHost" ;!.
) fRTCPInterface.sendPacket ( pkt ,packetSize ) ;fHaveJustSentPacket = True ;fLastPacketSentSize = packetSize ;} ifdef DEBUGfprintf ( stderr ," # ; saw incoming RTCP packet ( from address %s ,port %d ) ,this ,our_inet_ntoa n" ;( fromAddress.
sin_addr ) ,ntohs ( fromAddress.sin_port ) ) ;for ( unsigned I = 0 ;I < ;packetSize ;I + + ) {if ( i%4 = = = = = = = = = = = = 0) fprintf ( stderr ," ;" ;fprintf ) ;( stderr ," ;%02x" ;pkt , ) ;} fprintf ( stderr ," ; n" ;) ;# endifint totPacketSize = IP_UDP_HDR_SIZE + packetSize ;/ / Check the RTCP packet for validity : / / It must at least contain a header ( 4 bytes ) ,and this header / / must be version = 2 ,with no padding bit ,and a payload type of / / SR ( 200) or RR ( 201) :if ( packetSize < ;break unsigned rtcpHdr = 4 ) ;ntohl ( pkt * ( u_int32_t * ) ) ;if ( ( rtcpHdr, & ;0xE0FE0000 ) != ( 0x80000000 ( RTCP_PT_SR < ;< ;16.
) ) ) { ifdef DEBUGfprintf ( stderr # ," ;rejected bad RTCP packet: header 0x%08x n" ;rtcpHdr ;endifbreak ,# ) ;} / / Process each of the individual RTCP in ( what may be ) / / a compound RTCP packet.
int typeOfPacket = PACKET_UNKNOWN_TYPE ;unsigned reportSenderSSRC = 0 ;Boolean pack EtOK = False ;while ( 1) {unsigned RC = ( rtcpHdr > ;> ;& ;0x1F 24 ) ;unsigned Pt = ( rtcpHdr > ;> ;& ;0xFF 16 ) ;unsigned length = 4 * ( rtcpHdr & ;0xFFFF ) ;/ / doesn t count hdrADVANCE ( 4) ;/ / skip over the headerif ( length > ;packetSize break Assume that ) ;/ / each RTCP subpacket begins with a 4-byte SSRC: if ( length < ;4) break ;length = 4 ;reportSenderSSRC = ntohl ( pkt * ( u_int32_t * ) ) ;ADVANCE ( 4) ;Boolean subPacketOK = False switch ( PT ;) {case RTCP_PT_SR: { # ifdef DEBUGfprintf ( stderr ," ;SR ,n" ;endifif ( length < ) ;# ;20) break ;length = 20 ;/ / Extract the NTP timestamp ,and note this: unsigned NTPmsw = ntohl ( pkt * ( u_int32_t * ) ) ;ADVANCE ( 4) ;unsigned NTPlsw = ntohl ( pkt * ( u_int32_t * ) ) ;ADVANCE ( 4) ;unsigned rtpTimestamp = ntohl ( pkt * ( u_int32_t * ) ) ;ADVANCE ( 4) ;if ( fSource != NULL ) {RTPReceptionStatsDB& ;receptionStats = fSource-> ;receptionStatsDB ( ) ;receptionStats.
noteIncomingSR ( reportSenderSSRC ,NTPmsw ,NTPlsw ,rtpTimestamp ) ;} ADVANCE ( 8) ;/ / skip over packet count ,octet count / / If a SR handler set ,call it Now: if ( fSRHandlerTask != NULL ) ( fSRHandlerTask ) ( fSRHandlerClientData ) ;/ / The rest of the SR is handled like a RR ( so ,no " ;break ;" ;here ) } case { RTCP_PT_RR :DEBUGfprintf ( stderr ," # ifdef ;RR ,n" ;reportBlocksSize = endifunsigned ;# ) RC * ( 6 * 4) ;if ( length < ;reportBlocksSize break ;length = reportBlocksSize ) ;if ( fSink != NULL ) { / / Use this information to update stats about our transmissions: RTPTransmissionStatsDB& ;transmissionStats = fSink-> ;transmissionStatsDB ( ) ;for ( unsigned I = 0 ;I < ;RC ;+ + I ) {unsigned senderSSRC = ntohl ( pkt * ( u_int32_t * ) ) ;ADVANCE ( 4) ;/ / We care only about reports about our own transmission ,not others if ( senderSSRC = = fSink-> ;SSRC ( ) ) {unsigned lossStats = ntohl ( pkt * ( u_int32_t * ) ) ;ADVANCE ( 4) ;unsigned highestReceived = ntohl ( pkt * ( u_int32_t * ) ) ;ADVANCE ( 4) ;unsigned jitter = ntohl ( pkt * ( u_int32_t * ) ) ;ADVANCE ( 4) ;unsigned timeLastSR = ntohl ( pkt * ( u_int32_t * ) ) ;ADVANCE ( 4) ;unsigned timeSinceLastSR = ntohl ( * ( u_int32_t * ) ) ;pkt ADVANCE ( 4) transmissionStats.
noteIncomingRR ( repo ;RtSenderSSRC ,fromAddress ,lossStats ,highestReceived ,jitter ,timeLastSR ,timeSinceLastSR ) ;} else {ADVANCE ( 4 * 5) ;} } } else {ADVANCE ( reportBlocksSize ) ;} if ( PT = = RTCP_PT_RR ) { / / i.
e t fall through ,we didn from / / If a RR handler was set ,call it now: / / Specific RR handler: if ( fSpecificRRHandlerTable != NULL ) {netAddressBits fromAddr ;portNumBits fromPortNum ;if ( tcpReadStreamSocketNum < ;0) { / / Normal case: We read the RTCP packet over UDPfromAddr = fromAddress.
sin_addr.s_addr ;fromPortNum = ntohs ( fromAddress.sin_port ) ;} else { / Case : We read the / Special RTCP packet over TCP ( interleaved ) / / Hack: Use the TCP socket and channel ID to look up the handlerfromAddr = tcpReadStreamSocketNum ;fromPortNum = tcpReadStreamChannelId ;} Port fromPort ( fromPortNum ) ;RRHandlerRecord * rrHandler = ( RRHandlerRecord * ( fSpecificRRHandlerTable-> ) ;Lookup ( fromAddr ,Coach Outlet,( ~ 0 ) ,fromPort ) ) ;if ( rrHandler != NULL ) {if ( rrHandler-> ;rrHandlerTask != NULL ) { ( x ( rrHandler-> ;rrHandlerTask ) ) ( rrHandler-> ;rrHandlerClientData ) ;} } } / / General RR handler: if ( fRRHandlerTask != NULL ) ( fRRHandlerTask ) ( fRRHandlerClientData ) ;} subPacketOK = True ;typeOfPacket = PACKET_RTCP_REPORT ;break ;} case { RTCP_PT_BYE :DEBUGfprintf ( stderr ," # ifdef ;BYE n" ;) ;/ / If a # ENDIF handler was set ,call it now : TaskFunc * byeHandler = fByeHandlerTask ;if ( byeHandler != NULL& ;& ;( fByeHandleActiveParticipantsOnly ( !FSource != NULL& ;& ;fSource-> ;receptionStatsDB ( ) .
Lookup ( reportSenderSSRC ) != NULL ) ( fSink != NULL& ;& ;fSink-> ;transmissionStatsDB ( ) . Lookup ( reportSenderSSRC ) != NULL ) ) ) {fByeHandlerTask = NULL ;/ / we call this only once by default ( byeHandler ) ( fByeHandlerClientData ) ;} / / We should really check for & ;handle > ;1 SSRCs being present # # # # # subPacketOK = True ;typeOfPacket = PACKET_BYE ;break ;} / / Later handle SDES ,APP ,and compound RTCP packets # # # # # default: # ifdef DEBUGfprintf ( stderr ," ;UNSUPPORTED TYPE n" ( 0x%x ) ;,PT ) ;# endifsubPacketOK = True; break ;} if ( subPacketOK break !) ;/ / need to check for ( & ;handle ) SSRC collision !# # # # # # ifde F DEBUGfprintf ( stderr ," ;validated RTCP subpacket ( type %d ) :%d ,%d ,%d ,0x%08x ,n" ;typeOfPacket ,RC ,Pt ,length ,ENDIF ,reportSenderSSRC ) ;/ / Skip # over any remaining bytes in this subpacket: ADVANCE ( length ) ;/ / Check whether another RTCP follows: if ( packetSize = = 0 ) {packetOK = True ;break ;} else if ( packetSize < ;4 ifdef DEBUGfprintf ( ) { # stderr ," ;extraneous %d bytes at end of RTCP packet ! n" ;endifbreak ,packetSize ) ;# ;} rtcpHdr = ntohl ( pkt * ( u_int32_t * ) ( ( ) ;if rtcpHdr & ;0xC0000000 ) != 0x80000000 ) { ifdef DEBUGfprintf ( stderr # ," ;bad RTCP subpacket: header 0x%08x n" ;rtcpHdr ;endifbreak ,# ) ;} } if ( !PacketOK ifdef DEBUGfprintf ( stderr ) { # ," ;rejected bad RTCP subpacket: header 0x%08x n" ,rtcpHdr ) ;endifbreak ;# ;} else { ifdef DEBUGfprintf ( stderr # ," ;validated entire RTCP packet n" ;) ;# ENDIF} onReceive ( typeOfPacket ,Christian Louboutin Outlet,totPacketSize ,reportSenderSSRC ) ;} while ( 0) ;} ,fSource const * type, designers are not so used ,but couldn way ,UGG Boots Clearance,And the test no problem ,but cannot ensure that in future versions will not be problems .
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