
UGG ClearanceCommittee members, the industry group to receive text messages , said Director of burie

industry members collectively received such a threatening message, and the next day is officially published the day the tender documents. August 5 at noon, the pit, ready to put your buried alive. person,[url=http://www.buy-ugg.us/]UGG Store[/url], as they have a qualified property that is not going to do this He said the company has participated in the bidding, is currently doing calculations, prepared according to the industry committee document services program, to continue to fight for community service.

It is understood, Chaoyang District, South Mills police station is investigating the matter.

(Reporter Li Yan), Chaoyang District Baiziwan home district property industry,[url=http://www.hot-jackets.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url], the Commission is in the selection period, however, industry members have been in nearly two weeks of collective intimidation messages, the sender claimed to be the industry committee to prepare Director Chen Fengshan The current residential property - Beijing Construction Engineering Property Services Ltd, said, send threatening text messages this means is It is understood that South Mill police station is investigating the matter.

director Chen Fengshan Industry Authority,[url=http://www.bootsugg.us/]UGG Clearance[/url], said the end of February this year, the industry committee began to negotiate with the Construction Property Property Services contract, but after more than four months, the two sides finally reached an agreement does not, then start the industry, the Commission move open tender selection property. He said there are eight properties purchased tender documents, after pre-qualification, there are Walter property, property and other five were high short-listed property companies, including the current property companies - Beijing Construction Engineering Property Services Limited.

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