
Moncler Down Jackets Beida Jade Bird gold medal lecturers

Beida Jade Bird gold medal 2010-05-22 14:09 Department lecturer lecturer
Beida Jade Bird Bird tuition released in 03-31 | 149 times read | 0 times Recommended School: Qingdao Agricultural University Education: Master's work experience and expertise: project development experience and 8 years teaching experience, participation in national drought Command and Control System, Intelligent Beijing Fire Department fire control system. Specializes in ASP.NET,Moncler Down Jackets, SQL SERVER, Oracle, XML / DOM, Web Service distributed development. Teaching philosophy: no shortcut to learning, but not no way. In the process of learning software program, be sure to write more.
Beida Jade Bird postgraduate released in 03-12 | 67 times read | 0 times Recommended Education: Master-job work experience and professional expertise: 7 years experience in project development and teaching experience, the Beijing Red Cross materials management system, installation of satellite dishes immediate OA Beijing office and CMS content management system, hardware and building materials, marketing consulting, tourism sites, RGP mobile game development. Proficient in linux, windows operating system, JavaSE, JavaME, JavaEE, LAMP, C C + + development and SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle database technology. Teaching philosophy: focus on the whole,.
Released in 03-10 | 16 times read | 0 times Recommended Graduation College: University Education: Master's work experience and professional expertise: 8 years practical teaching experience, six years of study in first-tier intermediary development practices , 4-year project designed to hone. A variety of development languages ​​and development environments are involved. Web site development and middle-tier application architecture has a wealth of experience. Proficient in C, C + +, Java, C # and Javascript. Teaching philosophy: sincere and educating people of conscience released in the Beida Jade Bird things
03-09 | 91 times read | 0 times Recommended Education: Master's work experience and professional expertise: three years experience in software development, leading and involved in the project: Logistics and medium-sized Asset monitoring and management system, pyw smart financial statement generation system, Good technology: C #, ASP, ASP.NET, SQL Server, Ajax, Web Service, OOA / D immigration agency. Teaching philosophy: Since we as hand-held weapon fighters.
Posted on 03-09 | 27 times read | 0 times recommended college graduation: Jilin University Education: master's degree in marketing research firm serving health education teachers Description: Jade Bird APTECH Beida Jade Bird tuition Certified Senior Lecturer, immigrants from Hong Kong eight years, companies large software project development experience, proficient in JAVA, C #, C, Html, Javascript, CSS, SQL, and software technologies such as MVC, with many years of experience in software development and software technology-rich teaching experience. Characteristics of teaching: teaching rigorous, clear, to explain in layman's language. Teaching Philosophy: Teaching is not just mass.
Posted on 03-09 | 19 times read | 0 times recommended college graduation: Harbin Institute of Technology Education: Graduate degree product work experience and academic expertise: 10 years B / S software development experience. Good asp.net, AJAX, database structure design, familiar with the old boy business site-building process, nearly 100 corporate Web site building experience. Teaching philosophy: individualized, focusing on the characteristics of each person, using different teaching methods,Moncler Down Jackets, so that each student have achieved!
Beida Jade Bird postgraduate released in 03-08 | 23 times read | 0 times recommended college graduation: Website Beijing Normal University Education: undergraduate degree work experience and professional expertise: 5 years experience in project development, construction sites in Beijing City COAG to build online approval system, the State Administration of Radio Play dispatching security lift. Specializes in JAVA, JSP, JavaScript, Structs Spring, Hibernate based on B / S structure of the large-scale project development. Teaching philosophy: education is not bundle one study in Canada, but the development of people; not hang on.
Released in 03-08 | 17 times read | 0 times recommended college graduation: Hebei Normal University Education: undergraduate degree work experience and professional expertise : 8 years of development experience and 2 years of teaching experience, having worked online store, library management systems,Moncler Down Jackets, project development, there is a wealth of development experience. Technology specializes in: C, C + +, Java, html, SQLServer,. Net Framework, ASP.NET, C # development environment and use a variety of wine. Teaching philosophy: I am now doing is to Dr. brochures can fly alone.

