
UGG Outlet [ Turn ] How to Make lecturer

mankind has been able to conquer the world, the conquest of nature, in addition to have a smart brain, there are a other animals can not have all the talent - the language. This is unique to humans. However, even if the same person, not the same as the level of words, their lives and destiny are not the same.
matter how advanced science,UGG Outlet, language, people will always be an indispensable means of communication, we said: We found that all the great people who has been successful because they give full play to the power of language. The same mouth, why some people say influence, appeal, persuasion, while some people say indifferent. Everyone has a mouth, how can they hear you speak. Why do you said. Language arts where? Success requires a lecturer in the end what abilities it?
To become a good lecturer, he must go through the process of growth in four areas:
The first point is to talk about.
Because of decision behavior, only imaginative, clear thinking people that he can have the first condition - want to talk about. If you want to become a lecturer, first of all like to speak, very willing to speak in front of others. Like to express their innermost thoughts. It is like to grow their own personal experience and viewpoint on things pass on, so that each is growing and people need to enhance the capacity to grow. This is in line with people's views and their view of things more, are thinking very active in the type of people. They are not traditional educational impact, environmental impact. Would like to say very much like people to express themselves, like to break the routine, dare to put forward new ideas, the courage to celebrity challenge. The difference between people and animals who have their own set of ideas, his ideas determine the fate of his life, instructor's job is to guide each other through the exchange of language, so that they resonate, resulting in action. Because people's thinking determines human behavior. Therefore, in order to become a lecturer, then the first condition is to dare to think,UGG Outlet, to think about, but also a desire to talk, eager to get their thoughts and ideas of others to support and help. All the winners are the market started the destroyer. Only worn to Lixin. Thoughts determine practice, thinking determines behavior.
second point, is afraid to speak.
Each of us will speak, like with people, communication needs are the third largest human needs, but each of us has a feature, like speakers in front of the familiar. Because we are a strange people, strange environment, we are afraid of talking about the wrong thing, so most people do not dare to speak. They can be far apart in front of friends, eloquent, full flight, others do not want to interrupt all plug up. But one came off on the heart, trembling hands, feet numb, incoherent speech, especially in the face of high-level leaders and business owners, people speak of the greater psychological stress, the audience may want to get good, came to power all the next card , the eyes dark, I do not know what to say. Therefore, in order to become a good lecturer, he must break the second hurdle, afraid to speak. No matter how much the face of the audience, much of the officials are able to courage to speak out their views and opinions. If the first is the idea, then this one lies in the action. Because you do not act, even the best idea on my mind other people do not know ah! So dare to speak a second instructor is success a prerequisite. Only one person constantly speak in front of his dream to the hearts of more people to communicate. The strength of the team to play, encouraging the morale of the team to reach higher goals.
third point, is able to speak.
have become a lecturer lecturer, only the above two points is not enough, he must have third and fourth point, that is able to speak and speak, can speak of knowledge skills, will say what is presentation skills. Therefore, in order to become a good lecturer, he must read, regardless of cultural, economic, technological, political, military, entertainment and other subjects, although the talks are not proficient, but must be understood. He not only learned, but more importantly can realized. A good instructor he can, through ancient and modern celebrity name thing raises a lot of new ideas. Instructions through things, replicability, by analogy, to inspire the audience,UGG Outlet, some perception, to get the audience's support and trust. To become a good instructor he must have continuous learning and creativity. Because the instructor is to all the professional dissemination of knowledge and information, dissemination of ideas and concepts. If the instructor's own knowledge, width, height and depth of students reach the standards, then how can he help them to learn it. Instructor has two special requirements, one can not tell other people have said basically, otherwise, people do not listen to you talk. Second, find the book can not say otherwise, they read just fine. Therefore, as a good instructor he must be different. He must have a unique perspective and wealth of content, or can not do the job. If an incompetent instructor hard to push the podium, he was not helping people, but harmful. A lecturer is excellent, and the third point is very crucial point. Many people want to lecturer, he only want to talk about, but also dare to speak, but can not speak, because they speak of knowledge and ideas have no influence, no guidance, inspiration, so only in line with the first point, second point, rather than The third point of focus on training instructor, can not stand the test of time, because of his ignorance will eventually ousted by students or out of the market.
Fourth, will speak.
instructor has become a lecturer, because he has a distinctive speaking skills. The same thing, the same story, the same word, and replaced with different people, say the effect is not the same. Excellent lecturers and the difference between an ordinary lecturer in this. Contents, manner of speaking is not the same, talked different, talk different speeds, different body movements, facial expressions is not the same. Be achieved absolutely not the same. For students, the hearing master speech, is simply a pleasure. However, this ability is not innate, but acquired the efforts of exercise out. Speaking voice, intonation, tone and speech rate and eyes, body movements have to be after a long period of research, summarizes, exercise in order to achieve the best results. People say: To become a good instructor, not three to five years is the effort failed to reach the.

