
Moncler Online Secondary school with excellent teachers the school secretary , said Yin Zhengyi Acad

Nanfang Daily (Reporter / Correspondent thunderstorm Meizhi Qing / Li Yang King) October 17, Nanfang Daily as one of 10 outstanding teachers with the secretary (or assistant) approach. Reported out to the streets,Moncler Online, the major media have reproduced the first time, with outstanding teachers, It was felt that the system allows teachers to concentrate on teaching excellence, maximize their teaching expertise. Opponents argue that teachers do the job by the Secretary of Education will increase the cost, the law does not meet the educational atmosphere and contribute to educational administration, or even that the secretary is for teachers with

I learned yesterday from Huizhou City Department of Education, with the Secretary of the outstanding teachers in the system in Huizhou, a pilot, when the time is ripe, the city will promote a wider, to encourage this kind of close-training mode. And why is one Huizhou outstanding teachers with secretary (or assistant)? Secretary is to do with what? Payment of outstanding teachers to teaching and research grant money come from? Users with the most controversial of the three questions, the reporter has an exclusive interview with one principal Lei Guofu Huizhou.

why with Assistant

make good teachers out of more good apprentice

The measure introduced in the context and content, misunderstanding, opposition voices can understand.

introduced, according to Lei Guofu, Huizhou City, currently working on creating a balanced model of development of education, the implementation of joint development of urban and rural education. Huizhou one as a national model high, bear the obligation to drive around the school development. Huizhou regular and irregular one to send the best teachers to inner-city schools, especially rural schools to talk about the relatively weak model classes, open classes, excellent teachers, the school must assume full teaching duties. In order to ease the strain on the resources of outstanding teachers, and train more outstanding teachers to share model classes around the school about the task, on the launch of outstanding teachers train an apprentice school,Moncler Online, with assistant practice.

Lei Guofu that the online reviews just staring,

Secretary of the Huizhou one outstanding teachers with the

Leiguo Fu said that in order to better promote school development, Huizhou, a set composed by the Academic Committee of outstanding teachers, excellent teachers, program, this program should not only can promote the development of the school subjects but also promote the development of school subjects brothers,Moncler Online, many research work needs to be done here. In addition, good teachers to other schools to speak to classes to demonstrate the production of various molds and courseware, academic assistant to help outstanding teachers to complete the academic committee work. According to reports, the original intention of the pilot is one of outstanding academic assistant to assist teachers in teaching and research through the work, its also been a corresponding increase.

money come from

outstanding teachers subsidies from alumni sponsorship

a lot of media focus of controversy is the money to spend money necessary to expand fiscal spending. In this regard, Lei Guofu said, because in addition to outstanding teachers to complete the normal teaching tasks, but also bear the academic work of the Committee, and demonstrate to other schools to go to class, pay the extra labor, but also to give some reasonable compensation.

the face of controversy, Lei Guofu repeatedly stressed, so that good teachers train an apprentice, master to apprentice with the good cooperation together to contribute to the academic committee. This is the one in Huizhou with outstanding teachers,

