
UGG Ireland Yu-dimensional Speaker Introduction

Yu-dimensional [1]: August 31, 1948 (lunar calendar July 27) was born in Shanghai, blood type is A-. Yu-dimensional
Chinese most authoritative and most experienced combat-type training, one of the experts; speaker's style, strategists tolerance, scholarly talent; integrating concept in laughing, Yun philosophy in witty. Lecture time in a year more than 300 screenings, Shanghai Bell for three years more than 100 invited lectures and screenings Dr. Yu Shiwei! Kodak 2002 alone, China Dr. Yu is the senior management of your lectures 20 games! Yu-dimensional well-known experts in management training, the introduction of concepts and methods of international business training, accreditation of professional managers, concerned about the behavior change approach to learning, are management training in China has an important contribution. Research areas include leadership, performance management, middle management training and enterprise learning and development consulting. Market economy in good business management, corporate strategy development from the policy objectives to quantify the start, has its unique and can actually provide enterprises with personalized solutions; tailored for the enterprise house Training course, is to establish new business ideas, solve problems of high prescription. The instruction Case not only rich, and offers a variety of practical problem-solving tools and techniques. For participants to have great appeal, appeal, and the unexpected follow-up results. Edit this paragraph character
academic qualifications

Nova University Florida United States public policy at Harvard University, Ph.D. Postdoctoral
resume business management from the University of Oxford
Yu Shiwei International Economics more than the world famous university post-doctoral former Visiting Professor Yu-dimensional photograph
: Japan Airlines regional vice president of the United States * Shuang Shuang cosmetics company vice president United States for land development company Teva (Thailand Industrial Zone), general manager of United Enterprise Co., Ltd. Vice President Zeng Yi counseling over the Chinese and foreign famous enterprises: Shanghai Bell, Japan Airlines, unity, Aetna Insurance, the German Rhine, Philips, Kodak, Lucent, Unilever, ABB, APP, GSK, pharmaceutical Rieter, Siemens, Motorola, China telecommunications.
business expertise is a consulting and training
Yu-dimensional world of wonders, popular in a short time the whole of China, renowned training sector, has been generally welcomed the training of experts in 2004, the title of the most influential non-none other than Yu-dimensional, for Shenzhen consulting industry, his influence is the most valuable, extensive knowledge, rigorous scholarship, profound knowledge, excellent expression, good reputation is Professor Yu's several magic, it is worth learning from. How do I know the consulting industry's product, marketing, brand is what we have to think about. - Li Zhaoshu Yu-dimensional environment of market economy, good business management, corporate strategy development from the policy objectives to quantify the start, has its unique and can actually provide enterprises with personalized solutions. Dr. Yu Shiwei tailored for the enterprise house training, but also to establish new ideas to solve business problems in high prescriptions. International reputation of Dr. Yu Shiwei presentation of master classes, Case not only rich, and offers a variety of practical problem-solving tools and techniques. For participants to have great appeal and attractiveness of the unexpected follow-up results. In recent years, many famous Chinese and foreign companies he did business consulting and training services have been praised by corporate customers: Japan Airlines, Philips, Kodak, Unilever, ABB, Suntory Yu Shiwei
, 3M, Siemens, Motorola, China Telecom and other famous enterprises.
business management business strategy formulation to quantify the implementation of current policy objectives: Malibu Malibu Shuoxue leader Dean, general manager of Management Consultants Overseas Education College of Shanghai Jiaotong University International Leadership Institute
● Yu-dimensional contacts with the teacher is the star of my lecturers, the most distinctive, the most respected and best teaching one, most of our repeat invited lecturer. His teaching is not only rich in content, it is the case, the time compact, thorough analysis of philosophical, practical, easy to remember, the form of lively, vivid and funny, but the image of good lecturers, and speaking in a set speech. Can achieve good on-site effects, but also on business management have long-term effect. Yu Shiwei popular teacher is a teacher of our business. (Shanghai Bell) ● simple terms by Dr. Yu Shiwei lively lectures, we found some of them in the management of their own errors and problems for future improvement work provided a great help. (U.S. group) ● Yu Shiwei nice teacher in the class, audience focus, no one want to listen. Yu-dimensional teacher lectures Contact the actual business, there have been cases, a method, concept, easy to remember, is conducive to action, and there is effective follow-up generation. To this end we have repeatedly requested Yu Shiwei teacher in the class, head on, but also on the branch. (China Kodak)
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positive speech characteristics: a story is wonderful: vivid, humorous stories, almost as a sign
Yu Shiwei Yu-dimensional combination of performance, he was good at using language and language other than the tone and body movements to achieve the performance results into their own packaging consulting industry a bright star and a very patriotic spirit of insight. Students often stand in the position, the position of the Chinese people to express their views, listen to resonate more than ever will find the teacher's lectures are not in lectures. But listening to the story the story heard, and which makes no meaningful reason to deliberately remember a long time but can not forget. almost completely different from the other did not understand the lectures themselves. original, lectures so simple.
edit this paragraph achievements and honors
is known as the The first person postdoctoral research; Shanghai Bell for three years more than 100, please Dr. Yu Shiwei teaching sessions; Yu-dimensional photograph
Kodak 2002 alone, China Dr. Yu Shiwei please teach more than 20! 2005 he again won the Again in 2007 won the Group won the award in 2008 to learn the best leaders of the title of the year! The success of the training market in the mainland market, it? 3. Management is to let other people get things done. Yu-dimensional photograph
4. Good manager will not let people think he was managing people. 5 Jun, as the minister as worthless, as Chen Jun as foe. 6 From a managerial point of view, not necessarily the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but an obstacle to the minimum of the curve. 7. Management is planning to let everyone know that you understand your plan, implementation plan and understand your requirements, contact your interests while allowing me to him. 8 Management = [managing people + members] 9. Good manager is to organize you still turn away from! 10 management is a serious love, training is the best welfare! 11 senior managers: do the right thing; middle management: doing things right; executive level staff: to do the right thing 12 decided the fate, bearing impact pattern. 13. The first tube to live, and then straighten out! Primarily managing people - to give people enough recognition (face), self potential. 14 is the management philosophy from ideology, is a scientific theory, from the operation is art. 15 soldiers with the transfer, all of it available. As a manager, you can not know the weaknesses of subordinates, they must know the strengths of subordinates. 16. Management is to use the appropriate method of managing people affairs. 17. I love you, but do not think that is really the same. 18 poor execution of eight reasons: managers do not persevere long - run out of steam; managers without the introduction of strict management system - changes in policy; system itself is unreasonable - the lack of relevance, feasibility; the process of implementation is too cumbersome - limited terms, not flexible; the lack of a good way - not the work breakdown summary; lack of scientific monitoring and evaluating mechanisms - no one supervision, no monitoring methods; only formal training - forget the transformation people's thinking and attitude; the lack of corporate culture --- we do not agree with the formation of cohesion. 19 Customer satisfaction does not equal loyalty! 20. Strive for perfection! 21 To take personal responsibility! 22 The first mistake is not known, the second is not careful for the third time must be your purpose! 23 This is my fault! 24.'s Life only one thing! (Talk about a famous Japanese cloth factory Keli when talking about the West) even most like! 25. Outside powers is watching us! 26. Today we talk about behind closed doors! 27. Do not say Talking about the great Han Fei Zi. You have the ability to suppress the deployment, to correct your hands, so to save your organization. Xuanwu Lake sit, drink a drunk. 29. A ghost no 30. Great: everyone's part, to the do things better. 31. more than the teacher said, do not speak to the outside of their own people began to say bad things, when the Chinese people to get rid of this wrong it? 33. Then rely on us moderate man! 36 goals to quantify in each month (weeks) and on every process inside! 37. 38. I heard, Li Ka-shing wearing digital watches, electronic watches people are wearing, how the nerve to say we are Longines, Rolex? We can only take a pen draw, right? If one day he succeeded, as long as he said, 40. 42. Well, let us look, in the end, where is the problem! Today, we here are their own people, we need to review our nation's Inferiority, 43. Yu's lectures have heard, I very pleased the. 44. Everything just say it again the very people, the general manager who is to do. 45. The perfect embodiment of all the details in place. 46. ​​Execution is implemented on, the hands do not always refer to the following. 47. Well man, a plaything! (A sermon that Empress Wu) 48. That's like really like! 49. I just love training subordinates, and leadership training, after I had my back to the office one by one the curse! 50 management purposes: Let's have rules, so companies have order. Management tools: reward and punishment; reward to reward from bottom to top; penalty to penalty from top to bottom. 51. Man, do not work, people do not work! To take personal responsibility! The first mistake is not known, the second is not careful for the third time must be your purpose! 52. To study hard, make your boss disability. The boss will not be wrong, he is your boss not be wrong, I believe that this can not be wrong. Every three months (weeks) to review their own, honest summary, there is nothing to see improvement. Here to oppress the people, in fact, can do it, 53. If today you can see the wall on the outside walls standing problem, you will find the customer on the outside, not inside your home! 54 If a woman living in a hotel inside the next room are men, she was particularly uncomfortable, people may not middle of the night ran a hole, but at least he failed to understand the lure that exists, which means We did not notice that, in Europe and America, there are many large hotels, is a specially designed floor, is dedicated to women living! 55. When I was criticized by others if the lack of tutoring, to make my mother heard, go back to hanging to a tree to fight ah .56. A society without order, there is no regulation in the enterprise, there are no rules in the enterprise, schools where there is no discipline, no discipline in schools, at home no ethical .57. I have seen people like this, hang around the waist Panasonic, hands, a Canon, home to see Sony, go open the Toyota, and then side of the open side of that little Japanese mother! This is not a skill, if it is the ability to put Panasonic, Sony lost in the water, the Canon lost in the river, smashed into the home of Sony, which is capable. 58. Have the ability to learn things I learned to my anxious that .59 in Nanjing Posts and Telecommunications seminar, Yu Shiwei said Hideyoshi's godson head to take home, most importantly, he made a conclusion that Japanese culture is so Tokugawa Ieyasu, Hideyoshi began from 7-year-old hostage at home, every morning to Hideyoshi's shoes in his arms warm it up, so get up immediately after Hideyoshi to warm to wear shoes. Insulted by the other even more, may have been submissive Tokugawa Ieyasu, never complained, others it seems that he is simply a wimp. Later, when his 13-year-old, Toyotomi Hideyoshi took him back home, and secretly send people to watch, and he did with his head all the way back, has been the home. The following days these people are watching his actions, that he is still living a very normal life, it seems that Hideyoshi no feeling of resentment. This relaxed his vigilance. Later, Toyotomi Hideyoshi died, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the news reached there, he'll take people rushed home Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Toyotomi family to killing a living thing of all is not to stay. Finally, unified the whole of Japan, Emperor Meiji of Japan prior to the last shogunate great general. Edit this paragraph
related work refused to take personal responsibility for the article
forget the lifeblood of the company - profits only superstar in the eyes of the antagonism within the company saw the problem is not lack of capacity to see people who condone the target indicators of success: IQ / EQ / AQ sense of teamwork to strengthen the team to think how to manage subordinates, where customers enhanced stress resistance of self-decompression method of resource use and the choice of resources, competitive strategy, competitive analysis
Yu-dimensional capability and DVD-Video Collection
01. Yu Shiwei - professional team - staff to develop and shape the career of the video about a 6 DVD 02. Yu Shiwei - How to Build a High Performance Team (latest) video 5 about a DVD 03. Yu-dimensional - how to improve the management of the implementation Power Video 12 speakers (on-site classes) 2 DVD 04. Yu Shiwei - professional managers often make 11 kinds of errors about a 11 Video DVD 05. Yu-dimensional - the best competitive strategy analysis and strategy selection video about a DVD 06 10 . Yu-dimensional - the manager's emotional intelligence [EQ] Video 6 about a DVD 07. Yu Shiwei - 6 win in the implementation of the video talking about a DVD 08. Yu-dimensional - a successful manager talks about two video 12 DVD 09. Yu-dimensional - the leadership quotient [LQ] Video 6 about a DVD 10. Yu Shiwei - 6 business transformation and culture of video about a DVD 11. Yu-dimensional - how to break the bottleneck in the development of SMEs video about an 8 DVD 12. Yu Shiwei - What is the basis of standards and power Video 1 about a VCD 13. Yu-dimensional - a breakthrough talent management bottleneck video 7 about a DVD 14. Yu Shiwei - 6 video to communicate effectively about a DVD 15. Yu-dimensional shape how the charismatic manager (the latest) video about a 6 DVD 16. Yu-dimensional - how to become a successful professional managers talk about a 12 Video DVD 17. Yu-dimensional - the use of personnel and risk aversion (the latest) Video Lecture 3 1 DVD 18. Yu Shiwei - excellent counseling and motivation of managers skills (the latest) Video Lecture 8 2 DVD 19. Yu Shiwei - Effective Communication 2 (latest) video 12 about 2 DVD 20. leaders of character 21 22 mid-level crisis. soft power 23 leadership 24 guests expect the hotel management 25 professional managers often make the 11 errors the first edition Ⅱ 26 a turning point in the development of enterprises - to survive in the turbulent
edit this section introduces the major works
> , business to business, the reason why there are pros and cons of virtue or vice of the points are not about race, region, or intelligence of the other, its root causes are in thought or consciousness, frequently quite different. Sun Yat-sen taste words: Near past in the country, all promoting a learning organization, and even enshrined in a learning city. Suddenly, every enterprise or workplace employees who did not engrossed in the study of knowledge management or education and training participation. In fact, training can be summarized into three levels: (1) management ideas inspired (2) management tools and methods of promotion (3) management effectiveness tracking tool but many companies are always, keen to introduce the method, gulping , eventually limited success. Glimpse I can see, since the entire enterprise, from top executives to up-level employees, most of them failed to conduct the basic idea and effort has been devoted in vain mere copycat, it is difficult work. As fate opportunities, now I was able to consult the management of Lanyu, informative, very willing to use a variety of courses and consulting of it, and advanced management around the country, exchange views and learn, perhaps that could be my lucky year after year of experience provided by the development of China's enterprises in the reference back to the education I have been feeding me the community is willing to take off for China's economy, the Chinese people for the 21st century the century of contributions to a thin edge. To become business leaders, in addition to exercise their ability to control [vision / thinking / decision making / organizational strength / guidance force / execution], but also need to shape our basic character [calm / careful / courage / active / generous / Integrity / play]. Summary: The first part of counseling a human resources is the salary b. pay the basic elements of skill: ; gap (gap). Excellent management counseling and motivation techniques
2. A lot of skills in charge of subordinates to develop their own little contribution. Second, counseling is the same as the coach, take the initiative to enhance employee productivity, rather than the problem they have, let us answer. a. Reflection: 1. generally do not properly charge of counseling men, because there is no time / fear of facing other people / men do not understand the work? (2) poor or unsatisfactory performance of employees, the company has not addressed in the review, they no pressure. b. recommended practices: how to establish a Third, counseling is a series of actions, even the use of integrated influence. a. generalist professional subordinates in charge to lead, just like the principle, b. counseling formula: observed behavioral differences between + and + found employees (cadres) note the importance of dialogue + + + give them advice, accompanied by demonstration exercise + work + track = c. reflection counseling: Many company employees (cadres) counseling, lack of a complete system architecture, it is loose and scattered. d. recommended practices: how to solve the above problem with the establishment of training centers to prepare resource materials (manual). Fourth, the counseling staff is not just a job or a task, it requires some skill to do it well. a. encourage staff requested counseling than we went to investigate him, the effect should be increased 10 times. b. can be used to improve the operation mode of counseling, requiring employees to resolve. c. Reflection: is not every manager or subordinates have different The second part of the incentive five, the concept of incentives and role of psychological and physiological explanation / motivation in the organization of positive and negative effects / background of people do not attach importance to analysis of six incentive, incentive based on operational considerations different time / different basis space / according to different object / affair based on a different / different cultures based on seven broad range of incentives form from the random to the system of systems, from personal intentions to the organization's influence, from work, family, social participation to eight, twilight zone incentives emotional and professional ethics / group and interpersonal / behind and sectarianism / care and conniving cover nine, commonly used tools or methods and material incentives related bonuses, options, and other / and spirit-related education, industrial development / and thinking about the ethics, values ​​and other 10, incentive model: a. excitation mode Ⅰ their divergence of an incentive effect: * attitude: calm to deal with some unexpected urgent situation or event; quiet face some impulsive actions or action. * Work: everything not on the back burner, dragged on; the work of subordinates do not turn a blind eye and let him (her) to fend for themselves. * Behavior: attention to your clothing appearance, tone pace, mental state, the image of sitting. b. Incentive mode Ⅱ others as you can affect a person's morale. * Life: whether there is abnormal behavior under observation and take appropriate measures. * Work on: ask about the work of subordinates problems or bottlenecks (difficult); to establish a * Habits: Do not always fixed with a few people speak or communicate; not the entire meeting (meeting) you only hear the voice of a man c. incentive model will have to rely on the company Ⅲ some encouraging performance of the organization's overall system: the employer or put dry as possible based on fair and reasonable assessment of the results; cadres should not be given too much privilege, and even shielding and abetting. * Environment: Note the address of the office or factory, light, noise, temperature, cleanliness, space. * Spirit: to provide fast and feasible complaints pipeline; organizing family gatherings, group outings, athletic and other activities such as warm and effective communication
: The purpose of communication and problems ◆ communication purposes: control the behavior of members; motivate employees to improve performance; expression of emotion; flow of information. ◆ Case Study: Sheraton Suzhou Hotel &; Mafia; Japanese. ◆ basic problem of communication is the ; advertising; meeting a common problem. Lecture: Basic communication barriers Lesson 3: Personal communication Personal communication barriers barriers ◆ status differences; source reliability; cognitive bias; past experience; emotional impact FOUR: organizational communication barriers ◆ organizational barriers of communication: information overload; time pressure; organizational climate; information filtering; the lack of feedback ◆ discussion: to communicate the cultural differences, personality differences, differences in habits, there is nothing to learn from ◆ overcome obstacles: the use of feedback; simplify Language; active listening Fifth Lecture: direction of communication ◆ communication cycle; up communication; the level of communication Lecture 6: behavior language ◆ how your boss see you? ◆ behavior (body) language, speech problems ◆ attitude ...
Partner wrong - not the king left arm. 2. Hurry to set up branch offices - blind expansion. 3 wrong production, sales and R & D locations - the geographical advantage of negligence. 4. Take the first step in chaos - warehouse rush to promote business. 5. Too optimistic - the strong swallow eat dinner. 6. Bad credit planning - bite the bullet and own account / insufficient working capital. 7. Ignored financial data - warning indicator lights up red. 8. Hipsters management point - want to [open], want [people of the [. 9. Lavish inside and outside the stock - as long as things do not sell, are waste. 10 wrong advertising objects, the lack of creative advertising - publicity that? 11 over service, over-promotion - there is a profit growth rate is actually turning point (inflection point). 12 submerged in the chaotic competition in the market - did not learn to take one more step. 13. Over-dependency and luck - place limits. 14 confrontation with consumers - how do you expect, and resolve customer complaints and dissatisfaction? 15. Ignore the company financial management - not to maintain income, not the cause of the sale, merger and others will not. 16 hands or long carriage - organizational structure and command system in chaos. Abandon all efforts - if necessary, is to immediately end the second part of the bankruptcy of China, the United States, Japanese companies in the management of the comparison with the corporate culture and business philosophy of marketing strategy and marketing system, the factory system of production and financial strategies concepts and philosophy of financial management and personnel system employing R & D strategy and technology management strategic planning and organizational design and operating practices of organizational development and interpersonal communication model and assessment of internal control system and leadership skills employee motivation Future long-term goals
= IQ (scientific knowledge and understanding) EQ = EQ (interpersonal functioning) AQ = (on the stress response) (2) three Q's associated with two, high IQ, low EQ the general phenomenon of a Problem: After the reforms, economic institutional change, anti-environment is weak. Of the matter: can not adapt to the environment 2. Question: the collapse of traditional loyalty, solidarity with low matter: can not make compromises 3 issues: the traditional self-employed has passed, the crux of everything having the efficiency of the team: not the overall situation 4 issues: the rise of utilitarianism, moral yield reality of the matter: can not lead the masses three, EQ is not a mood of anger, is aware of emotions and use 1 2 aware of their emotions. use other people's emotions four, EQ importance for managers 1 discussion: Sun Yat-sen Research The entrance essay topic analysis (2) think: Bill Gates, then 3. Sanli leadership: thinking, decision-making, execution 4 analysis of five of several personality traits, EQ's basic elements - honesty 1 Introduction : 1) 2001 Beijing deputy director-level leadership exam essay questions 2) 2001, University college entrance essay topics 2.5G: United States, Britain, Japan, France, Germany, the , to work six, EQ's highest style - to take responsibility and develop self-confidence 1 responsibility: face the problem and quickly solve problems 2. develop self-confidence: to encourage others to take risks, and actively support ...
hotel management expect hotel management, one of the guests expect the exchange to resolve various types of hotel management hotel management and development
bottlenecks. Course Introduction: Dr. Yu Shiwei hotel is a loyal customer. From Washington's Hong Kong's In particular, nine years on the mainland, he go from north to south, 365 days a year, enough to spend 180 days in the hotel. In order for China's local hotel more internationally competitive, Qingdao Seaview Garden Hotel general manager and discuss with participants the hotel customers expect high-level hotel management model, one to one communication to solve all kinds of hotel management and development bottlenecks. Syllabus: A culture of customer care to see the culture of the hotel's image. Can feel a strong flavor. Able to demonstrate a profound meaning. Can recall touching stories. Second, the customers love the hotel staff empathy, hearts of customers. Sensitive to body check, personal service. Adaptable, to respond quickly. Everywhere intentions, and knowledge practices. Honest and responsible, take one more step. Third, awareness of customer expectations of service attitude, perception, differences. Specified action and altruism education. From the service to hospitaty. --- Loyalty to accept the five gap. Fourth, customer suggestions to improve the room layout of how the hardware switch is more reasonable, what the most appropriate location of wardrobe items and pillows the size of the shower and toilet, according to the multi-issue five, the customer care software management inappropriate behavior management. Customer demand response measures. Multi-step, case study. Both professional, but also etiquette ... six, prompt preventive measures customer service quality, three clear goals. To detect deal with potential complaints. Close to the customer approach to diversity. Turn bad for the blessing of the emergency measures. The establishment of quality control department. Seven-site study analysis of how customers are moving? Customer you will betray this Hotel? Experience for customers moving services! Qingdao Seaview Garden Hotel's corporate culture and business management has caused widespread concern in the industry. Qingdao Seaview Garden Hotel, by the U.S. Qingdao Seaview Hotel General Manager to invite the public participants, backstage tours of the hotel operations. Dr. Yu-site for the operation of Qingdao Seaview Garden Hotel service model, analyze, and combat operations. ...
- survive in the turmoil
1, the inflection point in the interpretation of economic theory, 2, 3 business cycle of the cyclical phenomenon, meaning the turning point of the survival of the fittest unit Ⅱ: the (relative) inflation to survive 1, value analysis (VA) / value Engineering (VE) / Value Innovation (VI) 2, 3 re-engineering costs, component replacement, or reduction / outsourcing processing unit Ⅲ: in the (relative) to survive a recession, product divestiture / 2 product line adjustments, network abolition 3 with the reorganization, personnel and equipment leasing 4, concentration of resources to use unit Ⅳ: the (relative) over the competition to survive 1, 2 and peer exchange, sale or acquisition of 3, re-do the vertical or horizontal division of labor units Ⅴ: industrial economy appear inflection point of the factors 1, 2 external environment and internal environment unit Ⅵ: 1 to rethink operations strategy, product re-segmentation / re-positioning of 2, 3 core values ​​and then review, process re-4, 5 reshape the corporate culture, leadership re- 6, short-and long-term strategic re-take
3, to become responsible corporate citizens influence and 4, focus on customer needs and aspirations of the spirit of three levels: 1, 2 soft power, the competitiveness of products 3, charisma practice PART1 reflects the Harvard University Kennedy School Dean Joseph Nye in the last century, first proposed the concept of the eighties. Some scholars have since used the soft power of extended enterprises, the formation of soft power of modern management science: namely, organizational model, behavioral norms, values, management science, innovation, corporate culture, brand strategy, corporate social credibility, companies harmony index of internal and external environment, the impacts of long-term enterprise development, basic and strategic elements of. Guiding force, attractive force and to follow, is a type of assimilation strength --- the attractiveness of a corporate culture oriented and sustainable development ability. Soft power is the long-term business enterprise in the future to continue to accumulate and ferment the right skills and habits, skills and habits and the right is always and everywhere for companies to anticipate trends and grasp of the law, so the foundation. Market demand: First, trends, companies from the present into the future, need a way to grasp the direction or trajectory; Second, and enterprise from the past go now, a kind of certainty shown by the state; third advantage , companies can now go from the past, from the present into the future, rely on that? business owners: First, choose the potential that companies in the grasp of future trends, the past trend, present advantage of the premise, choose to adapt to the survival method; second set, is to determine the survival of the company's future strategic goals and business survival state; third campaign, focusing on the company's future survival and development, and strive to foster, create a solid corporate culture. identity, thereby creating a sense of belonging to the enterprise, the natural formation of highly cohesive team to enable enterprises to truly have a soul, a highly respected companies in the market. PART2 question: Enterprise: When your business is not big enough scale, customer loyalty is not high enough, the market is not wide enough coverage, visibility is very small, you have to build team cohesion, marketing depth, influence, visibility and business brains of the soul? Product: competition in the Red Sea and the Blue Ocean game to stand out, you often to evaluate your company's products, in technology, brand is create a style? added value of the adequacy of mining? individuals: the development of business is in expansion, As a senior enterprise managers often think you are an essential addition to the professional business skills, while creating a reputation and so to enhance their personal potential. Summary: All these are business issues surrounding the soft power derived from its experience shows that: easy to increase production, improve brand awareness is difficult; bigger easily, and stronger difficult. Foster good corporate culture, the viability of creating first-class core, the soul is the role of soft power, hard power of the body, thus forming a set of business management. The highest inter-enterprise competition or war, in fact, both the soul of the game ... ...
middle 2. Second, in the past to understand the 2 middle hit Third, as China's booming business community, how to re-understand the 2 At present, Chinese enterprises are facing difficulties high, common in the first team and personnel selection is the problem, the focus of which is the lack of qualified middle-level - a hard to find! Fourth, the 2 middle crisis damage cost of doing business, not only in human and material resources, but also in cultural spirit. Fifth, how to treat the Type of view, the nature of business, industry, size, different modes of senior management, need, or prone to failure of the middle middle of the departments, different positions, differences in levels are also different. 2. Dialectical see middle crisis: the high-level look at the middle, see the top two dimensions of the distinctive point of view, crises, risk, evaluation tendency would be different. High-level position will be biased towards the interests of the whole enterprise, is biased towards the personal interests of the middle position. Difficult to find that middle-level executives, failed; middle that caught by the gas, not trusted, we are wronged obscure. 3 hands-free will, mad, middle-crisis level of Chinese enterprises in the eyes of CEO and other shocking! Six, (2) crisis management: 7, 2 stage high growth companies, the lack of brand creative publicity, internal management, marketing public relations personnel. 3 stable development stage enterprise, the lack of implementation, strategy innovation. Eight, (2) personnel changes, lack of confidence in the middle, began to deteriorate with the occurrence of living space. 3 managers lower level of professionalism, habitual quit and so on. Nine, from the perspective of how two middle-level executives and three-dimensional dialectically 2 overlooking - standing executive point of view: This is mainly on enterprise development and the threat of collective interests. Including internal effects (due to poor execution failed middle strategy of uneven development caused by business or slow) and external influences (brand reputation, disclosure of commercial secrets). 3. Look up - standing in the middle point of view: private interests for personal growth and the threat. High-level authorization is not enough, do not listen to the bottom of the command, resulting in poor execution; not fit into the corporate culture of the team cause, and poor survival. Ten, why have a quick to accept new things, with innovation and vigor, but more impulsive. 2. momentum. Because these two kinds of middle managers failed, leaving the company suffered losses is not competent, and this number reached more than half of the middle! XI What is the difference of different middle and top and middle of the suffering are what?: 1 failed the middle as if tasteless, is the mainstay of qualified middle! 2 level: hard to find the just; middle: hard to find horses! XII How to solve the The face of sudden crisis in the middle, CEO thorny issue to be first assistant or HR departments, while the mind to focus, (2) a top priority to resolve the crisis: in addition to first and business management concepts relevant outside the crisis in middle-level and more critical point of vulnerability. The CEO was more difficult that is middle management and business [2] of the integration. Crisis in three weight balance is? ...
people often make the 11 version 2
a mistake, refused to take personal responsibility for an effective manager, the results will matter, take responsibility. 2, in life there are two actions: 3, observe your own, do not just observe the market / district / office / staff. Second, the failure to inspire staff 1, any good manager, can leave the office all day, will not lead to confusion. 2, executives need to feel everything without them. 3, failed to train their own employees to enhance their performance. 4, transfer, retirement, death should not paralyze the company. Third, only on the results, ignore the ideological one, between successful and not successful difference is that the former had developed good work habits. 2, thought to inspire, not dogma. Fourth, the antithesis of an in-house, talking about their company, only a synonym: 2, 3, answer the phone or ask the person who is to solve their problems. Fifth, the management of a non-discriminatory, one key can only open one lock. A technique may also be valid only for one person. 2, X Y Z contingency theory and Fidler's point of view. Six, forget the company's lifeblood: 1 profit, no profit, even if the best product, the highest image, best staff, is soon trouble. 2, management has a main purpose: to enable enterprises to survive. 3, Fortune 500, mid-renaming. Seven, saw the problem, do not look at target 1, only pay attention to the small office or issue, lose creativity. 2, many managers spend 80% of the time, only 20% of the productive forces created. 3, do not forget the short, medium and long-term goals. 4, the VIII inappropriate boss, only a man child, brothers and successful mix of managers does not exist. 2, in front of his employees actions are not careful, just do not respect them, but also degrades himself. 3, together with the men is a professional, is official. Nine failed to set the standard 1, there will be a sound company policies. 2, 3, the pursuit of the Ten, the ability of people who condone 1 ≠ game who manage the most popular. 2, who keep refusing to learn, the group is unfair. 3, fear of others beyond their own, had to cover each other. 4, do not search for love in the office, do not think you can make the problem go away nice guy,UGG Ireland, do not be afraid to face others. XI eyes only superstar 1, most profitable companies are qualified by the medium group of people, plus a few superstars. 2, top players pushed each other, neither tame nor gratitude.
tasks. First, the case of Ping An Insurance Group Chairman, Chairman 马明哲伊利 Second, analyze how you check the execution of his subordinates? Lecture: execution immediately implement the execution of the three core - people processes, strategic processes, operational processes. A case of China Resources Group President Ning Shanghai Sunwin executive vice president of dry-band Second, analysis of Lesson 3: the execution of the measure - according to the quality and quantity to complete their tasks in the domestic entrepreneurs, trust (c) not pay attention to not develop their value (no value, not removed). First, the case on the Portman Ritz-Carlton, vice president of recruitment, CEO Liu Hao Gao Di Second, the analysis of how you choose people who have executive power. Features: automatic, spontaneous, attention to detail, integrity, responsibility, good at analysis, to determine the strain, willing to learn, knowledge, tenacity and creative - to work into interpersonal (team) a good strong desire to win. Fourth Lecture: making the most important issue is not speed, but rather is feasible and whether there are ways to (a) strategy is not sufficient verification and estimation of the actual problems in the implementation and change. (B) employees waiting for the boss to find errors. First, the case characteristics of private enterprises in Wenzhou Huawei, Changhong and ERP experience Second, analysis of the poor execution of the eight reasons FIVE: We need an executive-type business leaders ─ execution he wants to build a corporate culture, but also build a team of execution. First, the case of Intel's popular president, vice president of advertising film culture Asustek vice chairman Wu Jia Tong Zixian Second, analysis of the implementation type of leader to do things to win in the implementation of the 7 2 1. Know your business and employees 2. Insist fact-based 3 to establish clear goals and objectives of the order of 4 follow-up 5 reward to the performer 6 to improve staff capacity and quality 7. Know your own Lesson 6: Run - one step at a . Add Lesson 6: --- step by step implementation. Added:
Mainly to the dominant position of leadership and employee involvement. A) from which the rights of managers. Organizations to develop a second, personal charisma, is the main. B) focus on the job, bridging the gap to strengthen team spirit. C) coordination cents managers and employees, customers; employees and customer relations, and then take good care of our profit. II. The power of different power base, base is not the same. (Developed by the organization the legal right; the temptations of the right to return; coercive powers to punish violence results; experts are right to have the right skills; model right is the embodiment of charisma.) Three, improve customer satisfaction by the customer decides to product differentiation ; will complain about the customer is a good customer; old customers go there four or five, valued by the organization culture = a set of key characteristics (mix and match) 1 person 2 has a degree of autonomy and independence, encourage employee risk tolerance level 3 . setting goals and performance expectations of 4 operational coordination among the various departments of 5 to support subordinates of the manager 6 controls the amount of provisions and the extent of 7 members agree on the extent of the organization 8. pay to give according to 9 degree of employee performance, allowing employees of public dispute and criticism 10. internal communication limited by the extent of six terms of reference level, 1. 2. The second subordinate managers about how to shape the second part of the authority of the third about how to strengthen the team with a good sense of the fourth team to develop team spirit about how to improve the third part of execution talk about corporate culture assessment and how to improve primary and secondary culture of the fifth part of the manager's adversity quotient (AQ) Lecture indicators of success: IQ / EQ / AQ eleventh degree of adversity and stress about the phenomenon of 12th Course, enhanced stress resistance force and self-decompression method
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